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 Wheel Horse steering for speed

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Age : 37
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Location : Kent PA

Wheel Horse steering for speed Empty
PostSubject: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 11:46 am

First off, sorry yet again for the "sketchy" drawing, but it is just for reference. I have a wheel horse a90 that I'm building into a speed tractor and have some questions on the steering setup. The way the steering is built on this thing is complete beef. That being said, I would love to keep it and adapt it to the solid front axle I will be building on it to lower it. My main question is, can I connect the tie rods to the new lowered spindles without the geometries being too far off? I will try to find a better actual picture of the steering so it is better seen how it works.Wheel Horse steering for speed 20170211
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2018 Build-Off Entrant
2018 Build-Off Entrant

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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 11:56 am

the old tie rods may still work depending on how much they can be adjusted and how far you are lowering it. More than likely you will have a problem with toe-in and have to replace them.
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Age : 37
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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 12:10 pm

So, basically, I would have to make longer tie rods? I figured that would be in store. When I make my new spindles, could I keep the steering arms close to stock location to help with the geometry? I'm not running ridiculously small tires on this thing, so ground clearance isn't too big of an issue. I would just really like to keep this steering setup because it is a very quick ratio (not direct steer quick, but quick), and its stout as all h#ll. It's not going to be super low either, I figured about making the frame 3-4" off the ground. It'll never see "off road" either, just driveways and yards at the most.
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Age : 37
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Location : Kent PA

Wheel Horse steering for speed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 12:20 pm

Here are some pics of the steering shaft as well as my tractor itself. (Don't mind my little guy, he is obsessed with tractors......I've created a monster.....lmao) This should give you guys a better idea of what I'm dealing with and how I'm planning on going to go. Wheel Horse steering for speed Dsci0011
Wheel Horse steering for speed 20160613
Wheel Horse steering for speed 20160612
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Age : 37
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Location : Kent PA

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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 12:22 pm

Btw, that engine isn't going on the build, it was simply to see if it would fit. Its going to get a built 28 ci flatty with governor delete and molkt style carb. I'm hoping for close to 15-18 hp all said and done.
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2018 Build-Off Entrant
2018 Build-Off Entrant

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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 12:32 pm

3-4" frame clearance will be hard to achieve with a vertical shaft and modifying stock parts. You can get close with an axle flip and a frame notch, but all that is going to get in the way of the engine shaft, pulley, clutch, belts guides, etc
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Age : 37
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Location : Kent PA

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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2017, 12:45 pm

Sorry, I forgot to mention it's gonna get a 700 and a go-kart rear axle. I'm planning on using the 600 peerless for another project. This will be probably the most expensive build I have undergone thus far. My goal is to be able to do 45-50 mph safely and have the most fun as possible.
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PostSubject: Re: Wheel Horse steering for speed   Wheel Horse steering for speed Icon_minitime

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