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 a few trail mowers and stuff

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a few trail mowers and stuff Empty
PostSubject: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2011, 9:52 pm

Here is a few of the mowers I have built lately

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_082310_001

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_031510_003

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_073109_006

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_100710_002

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_101810_001
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a few trail mowers and stuff Empty
PostSubject: I know the tub isnt a mower   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2011, 9:55 pm

Just thought I should ad this before anyone busts my chop for the tub. I was made from a John Deere 116 frame, stretched front axle and tx
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2011, 11:15 pm

Wow, that is a lot of cool rides there.
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a few trail mowers and stuff Empty
PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2011, 11:53 pm

nice, those look awesome
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2011, 10:42 pm

That buggy is cool!
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a few trail mowers and stuff Empty
PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2011, 9:14 pm

nice rides man
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a few trail mowers and stuff Empty
PostSubject: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2011, 10:50 pm

for got about this one. 60% done with the fab and started on a trail mower. Its back on the list now. Just need more time. 80 hrs a week at work and have at least 3 mowers a week hitting the shop. Got my son doing the easy stuff.. that helps a bunch and he is making some easy money. 14 YO making 60 bucks an hour , where else are you gonna find that kinda money?

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_080809_005
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2011, 11:39 pm

that is one sick rat rod mower i just feel in love with that mower lol
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2011, 9:58 am

rat88 wrote:
for got about this one. 60% done with the fab and started on a trail mower. Its back on the list now. Just need more time. 80 hrs a week at work and have at least 3 mowers a week hitting the shop. Got my son doing the easy stuff.. that helps a bunch and he is making some easy money. 14 YO making 60 bucks an hour , where else are you gonna find that kinda money?

a few trail mowers and stuff Photo_080809_005
It needs red rims and a flat black paintjob and you have a ratrod.
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2011, 2:48 am

nice rides! how do you fit the huge tires on there? or whats the setup to doing that for the murray
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2011, 9:24 pm

the montgomery wards I believe is what it is, is awesome!!!
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PostSubject: Re: a few trail mowers and stuff   a few trail mowers and stuff Icon_minitime

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