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 MSteele's multi tractor thread.

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MSteele's multi tractor thread. Empty
PostSubject: MSteele's multi tractor thread.   MSteele's multi tractor thread. Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2011, 3:22 pm

well since i have Adult ADD and i cannot stay on 1 task I will put all my tractors in 1 thread.
I will start it off with my latest video .

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Age : 50
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Location : Little Rock Arkansas

MSteele's multi tractor thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MSteele's multi tractor thread.   MSteele's multi tractor thread. Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2011, 5:16 am

Well I got the MTD operational.
Had to switch out the 10 HP Tecumseh for the 12 HP Tecumseh. for some odd reason i could not get the 10 Hp to run right all it wanted to do is run in high idle or die all together. also
a question are all MTD'S slow? it has the tiny MTD transmission.
My old 88 had a normal shift setup not like this one that has a separate forward and reverse shifter. and a stand alone speed selector .
I am tempted to either put the 5 speed Spicer on it or put in the Peerless from the craftsman on it.
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MSteele's multi tractor thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MSteele's multi tractor thread.   MSteele's multi tractor thread. Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2011, 7:59 am

MTD transmissions are actually the variable pulley in the center of the chassis - the 'transmission' in the back just does the forward/reverse/neutral dutys.

Depends- most reasons why MTD's are slow is either belt slippage , brake sticking or the variable pulley is sticking- not allowing for total movement- the variable pulley should rotate and the center part should slide up and down- sort of like a torque converter - not to mention you should be running the wider 1/2" belts- that will also affect its movement.
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Age : 50
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Location : Little Rock Arkansas

MSteele's multi tractor thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MSteele's multi tractor thread.   MSteele's multi tractor thread. Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2011, 8:03 pm

Well the Murrat is dead so i am gonna figure out how to put in the peerless in the MTD . The Murrat will be salvaged for parts.
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MSteele's multi tractor thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MSteele's multi tractor thread.   MSteele's multi tractor thread. Icon_minitime

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