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 30 mile trip... (some pics and video)

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2022 Build-Off Entrant
2022 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 47
Join date : 2019-05-13
Points : 2086
Posts : 81
Location : Lone Pine, Washington

30 mile trip... (some pics and video) Empty
PostSubject: 30 mile trip... (some pics and video)   30 mile trip... (some pics and video) Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2019, 9:57 am

Well guys, I did it. Primitive 'road' and gravel with a little bit of off-road trails at the end - 34 miles, 19.4 mpg with plenty to spare. In fact, with the fuel cell full and a single spare 5 gallon gas can at that rate... I could have gone almost 200 miles... maybe something for another time?  Averaging 13.6 mph and getting there in around 2 hours 30 minutes. The roper performed (mostly) amazingly well. It does still have some things needing to be addressed - still a lot of slop in the front axle pivot I can't seem to get rid of. The seat HAS to be swapped out as it's extremely uncomfortable over longer distances. Every other big bump I  was like 'ow my 30 mile trip... (some pics and video) 252588580 ' if you catch my drift. I also need to further reinforce the bottom rack supports as they were sagging some by the time I arrived at the destination, though I knew they were only temporary. I can for the time being fix them by drilling 2 more holes and run bolts through the rear of the rack as opposed to letting the rack slide on them. Otherwise, as I said it performed amazingly well for it being so loaded down!

30 mile trip... (some pics and video) 60493710

30 mile trip... (some pics and video) 60625610

30 mile trip... (some pics and video) 60563210

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30 mile trip... (some pics and video)
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