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 Self propelled generator project

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Join date : 2019-03-15
Points : 2151
Posts : 81
Location : Nassau and Sullivan counties, NY

Self propelled generator project Empty
PostSubject: Self propelled generator project   Self propelled generator project Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2019, 1:36 am

I have a project going to mount our emergency generator on a frame with an electric motor or motors so it can be driven to a location and maybe tow other equipment to the work site (off road, short distances only).
Back story:  We acquired a broken treadmill, good except for the custom printed circuit board that made it work.
It was a high-end model with no repair manual and $300 service charge to look at it at our house.
I took it apart saving what I could and proving the mechanicals were good.
So now I have a metal frame, an 80 VDC motor (drove the belt), a 110 VAC reversible jack motor (moved the belt up & down to simulate hills) and a 4KW or so generator (had it since the year after Hurricane Sandy).
My plan is to use these parts to make the generator self-propelled and I will use it on my rocky acreage upstate.
I think I can use the up/down motor to steer almost half the wheels.
The 80 VDC variable speed belt motor was used for the running surface. I expect it will drive the 10" harbor freight wheels I am adapting.  They are under $5 each so 10 of them cost $50.
I have an extra FooTe transaxle now and it will give me  or 5 forward speeds.
With electric steering I won't have to add my weight to the payload to steer it, I can make a pendant.Self propelled generator project Runnin10
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Self propelled generator project
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