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 buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp

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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/12/2011, 22:16

Got to take the tractors out this weekend and hit the trails. We were out for quite a while and had some troubles with steering and tires the first day but the second day was great. We found a good mud hole and some great trails so the tractors were a lil dirty so we washed em off in the river. On a hot day like that its nice to go to the swimming hole and swim. Great time!

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1938

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1939

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1940

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1941

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1942

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1943

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1944

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1945

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1946

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1947

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1948

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1949

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1950

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1951

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1952

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1953

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp HPIM1953

buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Njbjkb
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/13/2011, 00:35

the tractors look sweet man, where did you get your side marker lights, they look really nice on torque I'd like to put some on mine, and can't wait to finish the lift
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/13/2011, 19:58

sweet pictures, looks like your buddy's tractor is a little bit higher than yours cause i notice it looks like his foot rest aren't under water like torques.

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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/13/2011, 21:35

I really need to build a craftsman.
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/13/2011, 23:35

NZHproduction wrote:
sweet pictures, looks like your buddy's tractor is a little bit higher than yours cause i notice it looks like his foot rest aren't under water like torques.


His is about an inch or so taller but in the picture i was in some deeper water. His rear tires are 1 inch taller and the fronts are identical. The only diference underneth is that i have a skidplate coming down lower protecting everything and his is just straifhr threw.
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime9/15/2011, 22:02

Looks like a good trip, lovin the graffiti/urban pics btw !
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime10/27/2012, 10:03

Which tractor all around better?
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/9/2012, 20:19

where is this, some of those river pics look like little qualicum river?
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/18/2012, 16:10

Hey, can I use some of these pictures for the web banner contest? Please? Smile
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Tractor Man Jeff
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/18/2012, 21:00

Unfortunately, the guy that owns these pictures appears to be on some sort of hiatus. He hasn't logged on in a while. While I don't think it's an issue to use them, I think it's the right thing to ask his permission as he has the copyrights to the images. Just shoot him an email.
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/19/2012, 08:06

Ok thanks. I sent him a PM. If he doesn't get back you may be the only one to enter! Very Happy
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Tractor Man Jeff
Tractor Man Jeff

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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/19/2012, 21:29

See if ya can email him. He hasn't been here in ages, so he will most likely see the PM. You can use my tractor if ya want.
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime12/20/2012, 07:36

Ok, thanks. I actually already did make it. It's these big warped yellow/orange words going across then center with the picture if his two tractors in front of the graffiti in the background. I really need just one big tractor picture. Which that was! Maybe I will redesign it with something else, not sure what... Smile
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PostSubject: Re: buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp   buddys craftsman and TORQUE Romp Icon_minitime

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