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 got the front lifted yesterday

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2 posters

Age : 32
Join date : 2011-08-23
Points : 5040
Posts : 127
Location : branch MI

got the front lifted yesterday Empty
PostSubject: got the front lifted yesterday   got the front lifted yesterday Icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2011, 1:47 am

got the front lifted yesterday,I still have to brace it up and lengthen the steering linkage an inch but she's lifted 3 inches in the front then i am putting 3 inch taller tires than whats on it now up front so.. theres 6 inches of lifted in the front then I will be lifting the back 6 inches and getting 10 inch wide ITP mudlites or kenda bearclaws for the back, haven't made up my mind what ones I like better yet here are some pics of the front articulation

got the front lifted yesterday P9120328

got the front lifted yesterday P9120329

got the front lifted yesterday P9120315
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Join date : 2011-09-16
Points : 4910
Posts : 57
Location : north bay , ontario , canada

got the front lifted yesterday Empty
PostSubject: Re: got the front lifted yesterday   got the front lifted yesterday Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2011, 11:17 pm

damn thats a sexy machine ....... love the flat paint ..... this mower rocks .
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Age : 32
Join date : 2011-08-23
Points : 5040
Posts : 127
Location : branch MI

got the front lifted yesterday Empty
PostSubject: Re: got the front lifted yesterday   got the front lifted yesterday Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2011, 11:58 pm

rex4x4 wrote:
damn thats a sexy machine ....... love the flat paint ..... this mower rocks .

hahaha thanks man, hopefully get her done soon, she's getting close check out the chassis modification section, I got the rear lifted now and have some 25x10x12's coming for the back then the current rear tires are going on the front
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got the front lifted yesterday Empty
PostSubject: Re: got the front lifted yesterday   got the front lifted yesterday Icon_minitime

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got the front lifted yesterday
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