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 bought a new truck

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Age : 28
Join date : 2010-08-29
Points : 5290
Posts : 120
Location : Davis Ca

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PostSubject: bought a new truck   bought a new truck Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2011, 5:51 pm

I just got a 06 Toyota Tacoma prerunner trd and I love it. Heres some pictures.

bought a new truck Frontviewoftacoma
bought a new truck Backviewoftacoma
bought a new truck P9230177

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Age : 28
Join date : 2011-08-14
Points : 5128
Posts : 241
Location : Winter Park

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PostSubject: Re: bought a new truck   bought a new truck Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2011, 11:08 pm

sweet. whats the towing cap on it?
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Age : 28
Join date : 2010-08-29
Points : 5290
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Location : Davis Ca

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PostSubject: Re: bought a new truck   bought a new truck Icon_minitimeSeptember 29th 2011, 4:54 pm

CityRedneck wrote:
sweet. whats the towing cap on it?

I think its like 4500 pounds towing cap. it has a electronic trailer brake on it that the previous owner installed.
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Age : 28
Join date : 2011-08-14
Points : 5128
Posts : 241
Location : Winter Park

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PostSubject: Re: bought a new truck   bought a new truck Icon_minitimeSeptember 29th 2011, 11:09 pm

sounds nice Very Happy have fun with it
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PostSubject: Re: bought a new truck   bought a new truck Icon_minitime

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