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PostSubject: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:18 pm

new member here used to run craftsman mowers but now i run a gilson.. anyway i use them for mudding obliviously to me the only motor i will run is an Briggs and Stratton. more later pics for now

79 craftsman 1036 beater
new memberrrr 2lo130g went through 2 11hp briggs and an 8 hp and a foote/spicer transaxle snapped in half in this mower... running no governor sped the proccess up.. in the end frame snapped and floor pans were caving. and there was no clutch settup just idler plullys and a belt straight to transaxle

80s era craftsman II built from scratch
new memberrrr 10p4svr
got bored so i sold it and it was pretty abused... and steering was off of the 1036 so it wasen't very straight
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:30 pm

welcome to the forum! glad to see lots of ppl r joining!
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:40 pm


also for all...

forgot to add... i removed governors in all motors... i regreted it after awhile... and it was dangerous and not worth it so do at your own risk.. i don't recomend it though..
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:45 pm

Welcome! I run all my motors without governor except my off-roader (better stall prevention) and I never have trouble, and yes they all get run wide open RPM lol. Never blown a single Briggs.
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:47 pm

Like that first craftsman!
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:49 pm

Are those snowblower tires on that Craftsman?? lol
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:51 pm

yea i ran without a governor on my 14.5 briggs and it punched a push rod right thru the head after about 7 seconds of full rpm. but i did build a go kart and thru a honda gx 200 clone on it and i removed the governor and jeez u could run that thing full rpm all day
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2011, 6:03 pm

truth is i really miss that 1036... but it was beat so bad frame was bent and cracked and clutch was gone from start... shulda welded it and kept it...

this may be surprising...

6 11hp B&S rod through block from no governor
1 12.5 B&S rod through block no governor
1 8 hp this one was interesting... lasted forever and it was tons of fun climbing snowbanks on 1036 with it during winter.. no governor.. its tragic death was when the butterfly screw came out in carb then shot into combustion chamber smacking piston then GRENADED thats reason i am building another 8 hp i hae not decided on governor yet...

on the Crafts2 those were tires off of a wagon with 4 bolt lug pattern... but i swapped em onto shaft wheels and ran them on fronts..
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2011, 6:07 pm

also i have found briggs flatheads handle non governor and high reving more compared to a OHV briggs...less moving parts and more avalbility
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PostSubject: Re: new memberrrr   new memberrrr Icon_minitime

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