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 Motocultivator gearbox

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PostSubject: Motocultivator gearbox   Motocultivator gearbox Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2022, 6:22 am

Motocultivator gearbox Img20162

I have 2 of these lying around and have been thinking if there's some use to them.
They have gx240 engines but are upgradeable if needed but most importantly they have a clutch.
Speed on these is dismal with about 4mph in third gear.
They are pretty much unbreakable though.

Just wanted some thoughts on if there's anything to do with them so I can get that out of my head.

Also have a complete scooter engine lying around which also might be a good option for a build but that's for another day
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PostSubject: Re: Motocultivator gearbox   Motocultivator gearbox Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2022, 10:08 pm

Might be cool to build a 4x4 mud mower using that gear box as a transfer case. Belt drive to the input shaft, 2 drives to some FNR transaxles with the chain swaps in them, and you'd have a pretty neat little rock crawler!

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Motocultivator gearbox
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