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 Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?

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Age : 32
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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 2:51 pm

hey does anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? i know i can drill and tap a vaccuum fitting into the block but if theres a better way id rather not. but if its the only way where is the best place to do it? im doing a gas tank/battery relocate and now im going to have to run a fuel pump.
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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: fuel pump on my flat head   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 5:10 pm

use the pcv hole on the valve spring cover
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Age : 32
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Location : Ontario Canada

Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 5:59 pm

r u sure i can use that? and would i need to put a "T" fitting?
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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: fuel pump on my flat head   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 7:08 pm

crap now that I think about it more, the pcv has a check valve. fuel pump wont work right on that one. I dont have a flat head with a fuel pump handy. got a few twins.. they have a port on the crankcase. I have a few OHV's with 2 ports on the pcv plate. might be able to drill a new hole for the pump. Might check with a mower shop, I cant come up with a good model number for a flathead with a fuel pump, should be able to find a factory cover pretty cheap. off the top of my head I cant remember seeing a one holer flatty with an impulse pump. it should work, but I only remember gravity feed set ups.
I have seen guys tap into the dip stick tube for fuel pumps
the Onans were bad about starving for fuel on the old sears. most people put on a cheap adjustable electric.

Why do the relocate? I am not real crazy about having the gas tank too close to the battery, but I have had tractors upsidedown and inside out. never had a fire problem. just keep an eye on the plastic tanks (they crack) and replace the fuel line. its cheap insurance. kink the fuel line, If you see cracks, it needs replaced anyway
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Age : 32
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Location : Ontario Canada

Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 7:29 pm

its a long story aha i wanna put the battery where the gas tank is now (under hood) and the gas tank where the battery is (under the seat). ive been reading around and ill probly tap a fitting into the crankcase somewhere just gotta find a suitable place. i know its like $20 for the breather cover with the iftting but this is free sooooo haha. but would i need a return line or something? ive been reading that carbs designed for fuel pumps are different then gravity fed carbs
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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: fuel pump on my flat head   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 7:38 pm

impulse pumps are low pressure. if they have back pressure (needle closed) they just quit pumping.
twins had the pump built into the front of the carb. thats the only difference that I know of.
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Age : 32
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Location : Ontario Canada

Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 7:45 pm

oh my buddy has a 14 HP vanguard and it has an external pump with a pulse line on the OHV cover. do u think it would work if i drilled and tapped a hole in my breather cover?
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Age : 32
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Location : Ontario Canada

Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2011, 10:48 pm

so if anyone knows a good safe place to drill into my block for fitting let me know
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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?   Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs? Icon_minitime

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Anyone know how to install a pulse fuel pump on my 13 HP diamond performance flathead briggs?
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