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 Guys I went in the hole on my build

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Hillbilly mowers
Hillbilly mowers

2024 Build-Off Entrant
2024 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 38
Join date : 2023-10-12
Points : 813
Posts : 291
Location : Booneville ky

Guys I went in the hole on my build  Empty
PostSubject: Guys I went in the hole on my build    Guys I went in the hole on my build  Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2024, 11:44 pm

The old statesman was a bust I went in the hole on it cause of the varidrive pulley and lining it all up p to swapped in a mst206 trans and the 19.5 oppy engine and the varidrive pulley keep bending an worping on my when id engage the clutch so I had to go buy another mower that had the single clutch and that already had a swapped in mst206s so my new plan is to use the frame and stuff from the craftsman I had to buy but here is a few pictures of the progress and  the broken MST 206 and the new frame for the build off.Guys I went in the hole on my build  Img_2166
Guys I went in the hole on my build  Img_2167
The new build frame to take the place of the statesman frame.Guys I went in the hole on my build  10000013
Guys I went in the hole on my build  10000012and I snapped the input shaft off by flipping the engine pulley to the bigger side and shifting on the go the next day after gitting the red an black craftsman for 50 bucks
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Guys I went in the hole on my build
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