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 Air Opperated Can Crusher

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Age : 47
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Air Opperated Can Crusher Empty
PostSubject: Air Opperated Can Crusher   Air Opperated Can Crusher Icon_minitimeApril 17th 2010, 6:08 pm

Here's something I got to building yesterday. Yet another thing to distract me from what I was planning on doing at the time. Smile Its an air operated can crusher, its not finished yet, still want to make an air tight connection and an auto retract but you get the idea of how it works. I have a valve for the operation, and a spring for the retract, just need the hose or pipe to connect it all.

Wasn't sure if I should put it here or in the video section, since it was an off topic build I put it here.

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Air Opperated Can Crusher Empty
PostSubject: Re: Air Opperated Can Crusher   Air Opperated Can Crusher Icon_minitimeApril 18th 2010, 6:59 am

Thats pretty cool. Wish I had the skills and know how to do something like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Air Opperated Can Crusher   Air Opperated Can Crusher Icon_minitimeApril 18th 2010, 7:42 am

now thats cool! do u have to crush your cans to recycle them?
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PostSubject: Re: Air Opperated Can Crusher   Air Opperated Can Crusher Icon_minitimeApril 18th 2010, 9:56 am

I don't really need to crush them to recycle them, I just do it to save room. I like to take a lot of cans at one time and they can add up in volume if you don't crush em.

Sure beats using the hand crusher plus I like making stuff Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Air Opperated Can Crusher   Air Opperated Can Crusher Icon_minitime

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