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 all purpos trctor

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Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
Points : 4759
Posts : 60
Location : canada

all purpos trctor Empty
PostSubject: all purpos trctor   all purpos trctor Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2011, 9:16 pm

started working on this machine about, well few days ago. first thing i did was get the old cracked dash off the the hood, trans axle, rear fenders, ext... striped the tractor to the bare frame and just got a course haired brushed the dirt off the frame. put the axle back on, wire brushed the frame where it started to rust then painted it grey. from a total roper tractor engine and all i made it in to a craftsmen lt4000. fenders, all you had to do was tap a cupple of holes for threads but the wholes where there. the dash and every thing bolted up and no need for drilling or welding. i also used the wiring setup from the craftsmen but he key switch broke off so wired the old roper one on. floor boards went on easily and the 14hp is off the craftsmen as well. sunny engine runs awesome ad will get the first start up since installed on the new frame. would have rebuilt the craftsmen but hit it with a plow truck and bent the frame to bad but its all good and running just time to get 2 new pullies and a belt and where rocken!

for the pics if they dont show up just copy the r
url and past it in the surch bar

all purpos trctor Pbucket

all purpos trctor Pbucket

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