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 Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)

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Age : 29
Join date : 2010-11-10
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Location : Scottdale, PA

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PostSubject: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2012, 1:46 am

With 2012 just starting, I was looking at some old photos to remember the "good old days" (a couple years ago) lol.These memory's are from before I knew lawnmowers would take me this far, i had no idea what i was getting into lol. I was remembering my first couple of mowers, my first being an old homelite t-8. second was a sears gt 18, third a dynamark, forth an mtd, and fifth my all time favorite a tractor i called little gray. and then i lost count. but anyways I ran my homelite to death! I will never get rid of that thing though. I never even drove the sears Sad. I lowered the dynamark and made it into my version of a racing mower. I never drove my mtd either, do to steering problems. And little gray, i almost drove that thing to death as well..

I can't find any pictures of my homelite, mtd, or sears. But i do have pictures of my dynamark racer, and little gray. Well that's a short story of my first few tractors. Please post your storys and pictures too.

Dynamark racer (Damn, i was a big 14yr old)

Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) IMG_2069
Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) 0827091255
Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Mow

And little gray:)

Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) IMG_1560
Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Lilgray
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richie thomas
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2012, 2:02 am

lol my first was a red murray wide body, still have her to she will runn bout 20 with 25" tires on the back Smile and i know what you mean by sayin you were big lol when i was 14 i was 6' and 215, now im 16 and 6' 1" and 275, i love weightliftin Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2012, 6:19 pm

I've had a bunch of tractors, but my very first was a Wheel Horse 1054. I still have the frame & block from that tractor... one day I'd really like to bring it back to life. As far as modified mowchines go, I've only had 3 but have built 5 for other people. My first was an AMF with an 8hp briggs, I sold that one & used the $$ to get my current tractor in order... of course that was a looong time ago. Then I built a small mid-engine Sears for a go-kart... that one was sold within a month after the guy seen me driving it. My current tractor I've pulled apart and rebuilt a handful of times, and it's due for some more changes...maybe this spring.
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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2012, 9:20 pm

I'm lovin little gray man. That is a great lookin tractor!
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Age : 29
Join date : 2010-11-10
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Location : Scottdale, PA

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PostSubject: Re: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2012, 10:39 pm

Thanks rompinredneck. And yeah, I know i will never forget these memory's.
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PostSubject: Re: Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)   Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!) Icon_minitime

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Looking back on the past.. (With tractors!)
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