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 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing

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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2012, 7:59 pm

whats your thoughts an 11 hp flat head Briggs or a 14 hp twin opposed Briggs, both are older engines and will be governed/ will be goin on a locked 4 speed Murray 92 ish model / tires 20 plus rear and front. Probably keep factory pulley on front and a 4 inch in the rear. Making for mud and trails. whats your thoughts/ more specifics on my youtube 1darron1 Little Murray Thanks for your thoughts and opinions.
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2012, 8:11 pm

the 11 should be enough power for what you need but the way i look at it is the bigger the better
i used to have a tractor with 25x12.5 mud tires on it and it would do 30mph i never had a problem with lack of power and it has a briggs 11hp
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2012, 8:43 pm

Is the 11hp a cast iron cylinder? I have an 11hp that I'm starting to mess with and it's an aluminum cylinder. So the twin might be a better choice just from a durability standpoint. The twins aren't easy on gas though.
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2012, 8:49 pm

the 11 hp is alluminum
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2012, 11:43 pm

There's no replacement for displacement. The twin will suck more fuel, but the added torque is well worth it IMO.
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitimeJanuary 15th 2012, 7:35 pm

For power - go with the twin - plus is you wont need to rev the heck out of it if you get stuck either - i ran a 18HP twin on my mod murray - had tons of power for speed. As much as i had it running around, it didnt seem to use a whole lot of gas.

I ran a 10HP briggs on my agway when it was stock ( came with it) - it did okay for power ( when it ran right), just lacked traction ( turf tires) - im planning on using a 11HP briggs on it in its mod form , should be plenty for what riding ill do with it.

Another mod youll want is a gas pedal/hand throttle - itll give tons better throttle response then the stock throttle setup.

Stock tires will be okay for lite stuff, for more traction go with a AG tire or ATV tire .
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11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing   11 hp Briggs  or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing Icon_minitime

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11 hp Briggs or 14 hp twin cylinder opposing
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