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 briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?

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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?   briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2012, 11:41 am

i have a briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder were is the governor at. i am use to the plastic flaps for a governor any help would be nice
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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?   briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 7:37 pm

Your twin uses a mechanical governor located inside the block.
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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?   briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2012, 9:19 pm

Yeah - on opposed twins the governer link is located under the carb . Unless the motor is prepped to run w/o one , i wouldnt remove it. Beside over revving the motor, the flywheel/motor can explode.

Twins have more then enough power even using the governer - i propelled my 18HP opposed twin murray up to 40mph using the governer ( I probably wouldve gone faster if it handled better - was a serious handful to drive at high speeds) - trick was to use a hand or foot pedal that snapped back as soon as the gas was let off - gave crisper throttle response, more power.

Another way for more power is to adapt a motorcycle carb or snowmobile carb along with a KN high flow air filter.

My murray was a shift on the go type trans , meaning no clutching while upshifting, and faster shifts - i ran a 6" motor pulley and 4" trans pulley along with 4 8" rims , tapered bering front hubs - slightly larger wheels will give some more speed, but itll get some lag when taking off.

I mentioned the steering was horrible for a basically stock tractor , along with pretty much non functional brakes - a combo not good for 30plus MPH..... its reincarnation will be built for those speeds .

A future build is a super mod, using an 18HP twin, either a RAGB ( right angle gear box) or 700 peerless , straight axle , lowered to the hilt .
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Age : 39
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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: hello    briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2012, 4:15 pm

how do you hook up a gas pedal i seen it done on you tube with a bike brake what all do you need to do to get that to work right .
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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?   briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2012, 6:19 pm

Heres one set up on my twin 18HP briggs -
briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Thrott11

Heres one on my mod MTD with a single 14.5HP OHV briggs :

briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? File0018

Heres how i set up my foot pedal on the MTD:

briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? File0019

I used plain bike shifter/brake cables and cable clamps - each end of the cable needs a spring to snap back correctly.
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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?   briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help? Icon_minitime

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briggs and stratton 15hp twin cylinder governor Help?
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