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 Look What Followed Me Home...

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PostSubject: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2012, 8:47 pm

I picked up a Craftsman RE2000 Rear Engine Rider tonight. My babysitter and her husband gave it to me. Their neighbor gave it to them and neither of them could ever get it started. It was too dark to mess with it or even unload it tonight.

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The seat's not like anything I've ever seen before. It's like a rubber foam instead of vynal covered foam that cracks. The seat is mint, and there are only afew marks on the body. It's probably the best looking mower I own. It has a key and the motor says it's an electric start, but there is a pull cord on the top of the engine.

It's really similar to my Craftsman II RER, but there's no evidence of a battery tray or solenoid where the II has it mounted. I'm going to mess with it and see if I can get it started. Future plans depend on if I can get it started. I may take the deck off and let my 10 year old have it as a romper. I may just strip it down. I may drop the 10 HP Tecumseh from the II RER on to it and swap the transaxles, and then sell it.

I'm sure I'll know more when I can unload it and mess with it. Not even sure of it's a Briggs or Tecumseh. I need to go look around on Sears Parts site and see what it was originally.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 6:22 pm

pretty sweet! i had one of them and i was going to make it into a racer but the engine was seased Crying or Very sad.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 6:43 pm

canadianromper wrote:
pretty sweet! i had one of them and i was going to make it into a racer but the engine was seased Crying or Very sad.

I've got two RER's now. I've considered making them both into racers and then being able to race them.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 6:44 pm

yeah iv heard that the rear ended mowere are good for raceing
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 8:37 pm

That 5hp is a briggs, you can tell by the numbers. Although, don't those numbers correspond to a 25 motor, which would be a 10-11hp? I could be wrong. Nice score man.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 8:52 pm

Jamus wrote:
That 5hp is a briggs, you can tell by the numbers. Although, don't those numbers correspond to a 25 motor, which would be a 10-11hp? I could be wrong. Nice score man.

Per Sears Parts when I ran the mower model number, the OE engine was a 143.436052. This makes it a Tecumseh TVM125-60267N based on what I've found online. I was able to give the pull cord a yank or two today and it seemed to have ok compression. Not sure what the starting procedure is for this because it has a key. I may be a case that the proper procedure wasn't followed and that's why nobody could start it. Also, being a Tecumseh, I wonder if the carb needs cleaned ore rebuilt.

I'll probably mess with it this weekend and maybe shoot a video.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 9:28 pm

It's a Teccy... the carburetor definitely needs cleaning. Just looking at them wrong results in dipping the carb Laughing
Kidding aside, that's a solid project machine... and you can't beat the price!
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 9:30 pm

that engine shroud doesnt look right to me, i think its a tech not a briggs can you post a picture of the engine itself and of the numbers on it
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 10:12 pm

Oops, I was looking at the sears model number and thinking it was the engine number, 254114. No wonder it wouldn't match a 25 c.i. briggs, haha.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2012, 5:13 pm

does it have a transmission ( underneath) or a peerless 700 in it? My murray RER's both had transmissions ( underneath) - nephew gave me the trans from his yazoo- thats also a 'standard trans'.

If it has the peerless 700- those are worth more then the whole tractor.

I have a couple craftsman motors similar to that- couple are briggs, one's a teccy - the teccy has a filter screen that is raised out of the shroud - usually have a square air filter box with two 'wing nuts' holding it down.

Most older model murrays use the 'plastic' one piece seat setup - things last forever.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2012, 7:43 pm

dangeroustoys56 wrote:
does it have a transmission ( underneath) or a peerless 700 in it? My murray RER's both had transmissions ( underneath) - nephew gave me the trans from his yazoo- thats also a 'standard trans'.

If it has the peerless 700- those are worth more then the whole tractor.

I have a couple craftsman motors similar to that- couple are briggs, one's a teccy - the teccy has a filter screen that is raised out of the shroud - usually have a square air filter box with two 'wing nuts' holding it down.

Most older model murrays use the 'plastic' one piece seat setup - things last forever.

Both RER's have Spicer 4450's. The RE2000 has a 3 speed, and the Craftsman II has a 5 speed. If either of them had a 700, I'd be stripping it in no time.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2012, 11:36 pm

I turned one of those into a trailer for my tractors.
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PostSubject: Re: Look What Followed Me Home...   Look What Followed Me Home... Icon_minitimeJanuary 31st 2012, 8:24 am

MSTEELE wrote:
I turned one of those into a trailer for my tractors.

I saw that in one of your vid's. I've got a 10 CF dump cart tho.
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