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 Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build

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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2012, 9:59 pm

Well im starting a new build its an older sears 10/36 i think its around late 70's? Anyway ive been looking at it and the rear fenders look like a 50's car fin style. so me likeing old cars ive decided to go with a hot rod gasser look. Ill be using the tractor for stright drag type style. im going to do a front mod which i want to keep a secret for now Cool . Right now im just stripping it down seeing what needs repairs/cleaning parts/seeing what im going to need. Its getting a big motor (need 2 find)
a set of rear fatty tires and skinny fronts. Also im not sure how but i cant seen to find the year of this. The Model# is 536-255212 Code# is 8088? Also can anyone tell me about this rearend its a 3spd/key way axle. Also i think its oil filled do to a drain plug on bottem.

Here's a pic dump of what it is now and it dissmanteled. lol

Theme look for this build.
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sucp_0704_04_zgainesville_super_chevy_showflat_black_gasser

Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Old-1
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build PICT0722
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build PICT0723
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears-1
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears1
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears2
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears4
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears8
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears3

its now currently got the front & rearend out.

Next to do is wire brush frame/remove greese and oil.
ill keep updates when i work on it Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2012, 10:13 pm

i can tell you what year the motor was and if its origional the tractor will be one model year newer
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2012, 10:15 pm

the prob is through the years some one switched motors and put a 11hp on it so i cant tell by that Neutral
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2012, 11:04 pm

I"m with you man I love the old car/gasser look. Are you going to keep the rearend or switch it out for a straight axle like a racing go-cart set up.
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2012, 11:07 pm

im going to keep the rear end just to keep it simlple i do have a 3spd with reverse gear box pulley to chain but idont know what speed it will handle up to. kinda looking to get the most speed out of this as i can.
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2012, 12:52 pm

I'd guess from other pics your machine was built in 1977.
The rear end is a Peerless 600, it does use oil instead of grease.

I think it will look great when finished... flat black with white walls, and maybe a little white pin striping? Cool
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2012, 5:40 pm

well didnt do much today scrounged up some angle and square tubing for tractor/ started cleaning the frame up. id like to sand blast it but i dont have one o well.
Also got my leaf springs for my solid axle front end. just like a real gasser lol. I got them off a old massy furguson snowmobile. they have 4 leafes so i can just add some or remove for different front flex.

some pics
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Searsframe
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Spring
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Spring1
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2012, 7:40 pm

MF'n snowmobile? Ive seen John Deere but not for about 25 years. the JD lawn and garden store around here tried to sell them for awhile. not much of a market. except for the last 2 years, we dont get a snow that lasts more than a week or so.

I have had a gasser / high boy on my "to do" list for a few years, just havent got around to it yet. I planned on using 24x12x12 turfs on the back and the skinny 18" trailer tires on the front. A 4" lift in the back and about 2" in the front would look tough as hell
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 6th 2012, 11:11 pm

I've never seen snowmobile leafs with that big of an arch to them. They kinda look cool. Most of the snowmobiles I've messed with were older polaris, and their leafs had maybe 3in of arch to them depending on how beat up they were. How do you plan on mounting them or is that still part of the secret.
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Age : 34
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2012, 7:42 am

the mf snowmobile was pretty heavy duty lol i swaped skis on it do to the bottems being bad. And na secret is the leafs lol. i plan on hooking them up like youd see on a jeep cj front. I got to build shackels then u bolt the axle im going to make for it on. Only thing is as you can see in pic one side has a place for a bolt and the other doesnt. i was just going to weld a metal pipe to it so i can run the bolt through it. But im unsure if i can weld it being a spring like metal. idk yet
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2012, 1:54 pm

well ran into a snag the leaf springs i was going to use wont work,thet are way to long Mad so those are no good. grr lol
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2012, 7:30 am

What way are they to long- like out the front, back to far or both.
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2012, 8:07 am

there both the axel would be undr or after the motor and thats not goingto work lol
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2012, 11:08 am

gearheadmike wrote:
there both the axel would be undr or after the motor and thats not goingto work lol

You could ditch the longest, and possibly the 2nd longest leaf and just use the shorter ones. But that would require cooking up a new way to mount them. You could also do like the Jeep guys do when they do an stretch, and move the front shackles out in front of the frame by afew inches.
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2012, 12:25 pm

Most car gasser builds you have to convert the stock front frame rails over to a square tube frame, so you could do that to this too. Take some rec tubing and make some frame rails that are longer than the leaf springs, mount your shackles to the rails (you'll have to do a pinch type for the front of the leaf since there is no mounting point for it.) then line the frame rails up with where you want the front end to sit and weld it into place. If there is alot of frame rails hanging out the front of tractor you can always find an mini keg or an old nos bottle -(Fire extinguisher, could get it panited with nos stickers or leave it look like a fire extinguisher) and mount it to the rails. I've seen some cars at the track by my house look like that and to me it looks sweet. Even the car you posted has a canister in the grill- its kinda of an example.
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2012, 1:53 pm

if i mounted the springs to where they need to be for the axle to be right the springs would be stick out of the front frame 6-8 inches
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2012, 4:37 pm

Well small update found out how to do my front axle setup cheers just got some fab work i got to do. Also decided im going to go red/white/blue with the colors. its just going to be a cheap walmart can job lol.

Needed to be done-
Get some supplys-
Fix saw saw or get one
get blade for chop saw
get some cut off wheels

Need some metal for bracing/shackels
mounting hardwear

anyways some quick pics lol

underside of frame prep and getting primed
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears19

1st coat of blue
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Searsblue

some of the front leaf axle set up. (nothing mounted yet just mock up)
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears16
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears17
Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Sears18

Not doing much right now as weather sux and limited metel/tool supplys lol
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2012, 3:29 pm

Cheep paint does a decent job - painted a couple tractors now with it - gives a decent shine/long lasting and easy blending ( if scratched).
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2012, 10:19 am

Thats why im going with it easy touch up.and its cheap lol
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 10:41 pm

Did some work today on the gasser. well yesterday i made some few extra dollers (thanks craigslist) lol and i bought a new blade for my chop saw and 10pc cut off wheel set and a new grind wheel for grinder. also picked up a piece of flat band steel at tsc for my shackels.

Today i got my main front shackel mount suport cut to size and squared off. its a piece if 1-1/2'' box which the front stationary shackel will be mounted to.
i temp put 2 bolt to hold it in place as all fine tuning will be done then everything welded. I had to stop as i needed to put in what i call "frame rail"
connectors lol like what fearlessfronts friend streetlegalkarts did to his mud king. Well i wasnt paying any attation lol cut my angle to size fit them good then had to bend a piece.......started to bend it and Snap! haha it was a piece of bed frame spring steel. so now i got to find a piece of 1-1/2''x2'' angle steel or 2''x2'' at least 6' long.

Ive decided im deff not going to use the stock fron axle to crappy of a design. Im thinking box steel but im trying to find a set of stright 90 degree spindles to use.

northern tools have the gocart ones but im going to have more weight on them then a gocart would have so i dont trust the build of them.
Well pics soon also i got some mufflers for it.... Very Happy Twisted Evil Cool
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2012, 9:22 pm

This build has come to a failing end lol cant do a leaf front so now its just a parts rig . so this build can be deleated.
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Age : 47
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Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2012, 9:26 pm

I was playing with the idea of a transverse mounted leaf spring on a tractor at one point for the front. For the rear, how about a swing arm with a drum instead of a pulley?
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PostSubject: Re: Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build   Sears Hot Rod Gasser Build Icon_minitime

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