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 How do I remove a seized flywheel?

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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2012, 3:54 pm

No spark and no torches and don't want to stab a pry bar behind there and wreck the spark meic.
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2012, 5:42 pm

Rent a puller from autozone?
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2012, 7:37 pm

Jamus wrote:
Rent a puller from autozone?

Yeahh, it's a old engine I would scrap befor I think about putting money...

What about socking it in oil for a couple days?
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2012, 9:00 pm

The oil probabl wouldn't hurt, or soaking in PB blaster. If you have the cash though, you pay for the tool and get your money back when you return it. So essentially the rental is free. I guess it still works that way, haven't really been in an auto parts store in almost 5 years.
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2012, 9:43 pm

brass punch and hammer works well and doesn't do damage....
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: I know its an older post..but..   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2012, 9:13 am

For anyone looking for answers down the road, you can make your own custom puller...I have made several in my day for different applications..Only drawback is you kinda need a welder..
If you dont have a welder, Autozone does "rent" tools...and does return the deposit

There's nothing like having the right tool for the job.
That's the idea behind AutoZone's Loan-A-Tool® service. It's the most complete selection of seldom-used, expensive-to-own specialty tools that will help you do the job right. We offer more than 60 different tools for all sorts of jobs - steering and suspension work, air conditioning jobs, engine repair, and more.
Using our Loan-A-Tool® service is easy. Just leave a deposit at the store when you pick up the tool. When you're through, just bring it back, and we'll refund the deposit."
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2012, 1:10 pm

I've used a chunk of steel, at least 1/2 in thick. Drill 2 holes for the flywheel bolt holes, and drill/tap the inner hole for at least a 1/2 in fine or larger thread, then use 1/2fine bolt there. Or drill the middle hole and weld nut, or drill middle hole and use nut under the plate. But some kind of puller is your best bet, usually I have to smack the top of the puller to pop the flywheel loose.

I've also used a prybar underneath the flywheel, and smacked the top of the crankshaft to get one off. Good way to damage something if you are not careful.
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How do I remove a seized flywheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I remove a seized flywheel?   How do I remove a seized flywheel? Icon_minitime

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