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 best camera/ camcorder?

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2 posters


Age : 27
Join date : 2011-12-09
Points : 4763
Posts : 60
Location : canada

best camera/ camcorder? Empty
PostSubject: best camera/ camcorder?   best camera/ camcorder? Icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 7:48 am

i race bandalero and the front end is solid and the rear end has some give but the car still bottoms out. i have put 2 cameras in to it and the screens crack when i get into a crash. i need something that is durable and will last a few rollovers ad hits into the wall. ooh yeah 150 and under, its a dash cam so it needs the nut in the bottom.
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Josh Blair


Age : 26
Join date : 2011-10-16
Points : 4785
Posts : 41
Location : Mt. Pleasant TN

best camera/ camcorder? Empty
PostSubject: Re: best camera/ camcorder?   best camera/ camcorder? Icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 9:05 am

well it sounds like you are describing a GoPro camera

here is a link to their site
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best camera/ camcorder?
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