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 The " Offical " Camera thread

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PostSubject: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 5:33 pm

Let's discuss our Cameras being either still or video To help each other out.
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 5:34 pm

My camera i use for my vids is 3 years old hell it still used cassettes and i have to use a converter to get that to a format that the computer recognizes and even that is a hit or miss b/c the quality is lost. .And my still camera is a cheap ass vivitar that is 5 years old.
The " Offical " Camera thread 0112
Those are the vid cameras. the JVC and the DXG ( middle) are the ones i use.
The vivitar is a 3.0 mega pixels.
The " Offical " Camera thread DVC00757
The " Offical " Camera thread DVC00758
It is sooo bad i have to Scotch tape the battery door shut. ( By the way these photos were taken with the camcorder. I do not like using it for a photo camera.) You can buy a decent camera for less than 50 bucks. that one when i bought it was 52 bucks new. But you can find a better camera on the cheap on ebay used for alot cheaper.
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 6:00 pm

The " Offical " Camera thread Z6-specs

This is my camera, its 6 megipixles. It takes still photographs and video. It has a SD card which I am using a 1GB at the moment. I bought it 10 years ago for $600, that is when I was young and had money to burn. bounce
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 8:37 pm

ths is my HP photosmart digital camera. Its not the best but works pretty good. Its a 6.0 megapixels but the batterys dont last very long Sad so short videos. It takes good pics but the videos arnt great quality. Its a HP photosmart M527.

The " Offical " Camera thread Hp_M527Bfrontback
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 9:00 pm

I picked up the Casio exilim ex-s5 mainly because it has sound and youtube mode. Works good and takes good video clips. I used to use a fujifilm a610 but unfortunately it didn't record sound. The " Offical " Camera thread 3291731473_cb0d34dcc5
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 9:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2010, 10:07 pm

I use this Olympus Stylus 7000.

It's a amazing point and shoot camera. Never had any problems and it uses a rechargeable battery pack.
It's got an amazing resolution, although it shoots only standard quality video.
The " Offical " Camera thread 00050310
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 23rd 2010, 8:17 pm

mine was originally for music and well the camera became my main mode of uploads so it good, fine small, handy

The " Offical " Camera thread Ipod-n10
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2010, 9:26 am

Wow! Didnt know those cameras on ipods gave such good quality!

My main video camera is the JVC Everio (GZ-MG26EK) It's getting on a bit now, still works perfectly though. And amazingly still barely a scratch on it. With a 20gb hard drive, plus an SD slot, plenty of memory! Plus records in Dolby surround
I also use a Samsung Digimax S600, 6MPX, as the JVC cant take digital photos worth a crap! I use this when Im out inn the woods etc, saves the JCV from getting hurt!
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 24th 2010, 10:26 am

lol yeh! the ipod has tons of diffrent effects but youtube downgrades the quality badly, i had to delete two early ones cause you could see worth a ****.....
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 25th 2010, 5:25 pm

Canon A530 for stills Embarassed
The " Offical " Camera thread 2nst8b6
Kodak Zi6 for video. I kinda regret buying it now, not because it is bad or anything just that I can get them for a third of what i paid now lol. It is decent for stuff that is reasonably close but do anything bumpy and the quality can go to shit.
The " Offical " Camera thread 2iwao9y
Haven't uploaded anything tractor related but here is something I took at the track. Messed with it in Sony Vegas.
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 25th 2010, 8:25 pm

I use the Zi6 just like "Memphis". I enjoy using the camera and the 720p youtube quality but what I HATE about is that its very awkward to place down if you need to use 2 hands to deminstrate something on video...
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeMay 26th 2010, 9:52 am

Memphis: Loved the video in the link! The effects are superb! Very nice indeed
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2010, 3:43 pm

I use a Canon A560 for both, but obviously it isn't best for videos. It's getting old but still takes great stills, and bearable video.
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2010, 5:50 pm

I use an old Aiptek HD video camera - i bot another battery for it last year - so i have 2 batteries- can either charge thru the computer or wall adapter - i like it because its small ( can fit in my pocket) and uses separate SD discs i can easily d/l to my computer.

Only real complaint now that its getting older is the audio- really loud noises come out all distorted - proabaly the mic is crapping out. Only paid like $80 for it and had it around 4 years already.

Heres a pic i found online of it :

The " Offical " Camera thread Aiptek10
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2010, 8:13 am

Don't suppose anyone has ever tried the JVC GC-FM1? I'm picking one up today to serve as video, my canon is great for stills but the videos are very grainy. The JVC is only $80 at BigLots and it seems to be the best deal. Not sure on specs, it'll do 1080p which should be plenty for me and videos on youtube made with it look great.
The " Offical " Camera thread Simple-camcorder-JVC-Picsio-GC-FM1
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2010, 8:34 am

To be honest, that should serv you really well. I like JVC products. And with a macro switch, it should be awesome. Only thing to test will be sound quality.
Cant wait to see a video sample!
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2010, 9:06 pm

Well, I took it to a picnic today and did a small video and some stills. I won't be using it for stills, haha, about half came out very blurry. Not sure on the video yet, still sorting out the downloading software. I fear my SD card may also need upgraded. The manual says for video you need a 4GB+ class 4 or higher card and I have a 2gb in it. There is a firmware update that I'm about to install, update the mic and something else I think.
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 19th 2010, 4:22 am

Wouldn't be a bad thing to get like, an 8gb SD card then, its not like they wont be useful in the future anyway, alot of stuff uses them!
Yeah, my video cam takes the grainiest photos ever. They really suck, and they're so small. Pretty pathetic lol!
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PostSubject: Re: The " Offical " Camera thread   The " Offical " Camera thread Icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2010, 11:51 pm

Well, I finally made a test video with the JVC. Since I had to make a test video about something, why not about the lawn mower? It seems to do pretty good but I move around too much. Sound turned out better than I had expected also.
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