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 VW bug and 8 hp Briggs

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PostSubject: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2010, 10:01 pm

I discovered this on youtube . The 2 things i am interested in VW beetles and small engines.

That thing needs a Vtwin though.
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 12:47 pm

That there is awsome, its amazing what people can do when they have the imagination and courage to try something.
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 1:32 pm

That really is insane! So much work has gone into it. Thats on talented guy. I would have gone for an oppsed twin though Wink
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 2:52 pm

I like it. Its small and its really "cute"
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 6:00 pm

Dang- thats cool! Most people probably wouldnt even know he hacked up a couple full size volkswagons to make the thing - probably would thing its some sort of fibreglass or mocked up.

I agree- a twin cylender would crank that thing wide open.
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VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Empty
PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 6:44 pm

Man that is awesome, i don't like he cut up a bunch of bugs but it's still cool.
And just like everyone else i think a opposed twin would be perfect in it! afro
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 7:00 pm

I want now to make a miniature VW thing ( 181 ), but make it a off roader. Based it off a rear engined lawnmower.
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VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Empty
PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 8:45 pm

MSTEELE wrote:
I want now to make a miniature VW thing ( 181 ), but make it a off roader. Based it off a rear engined lawnmower.

They are flat like a box, so you could make your own body out of sheet metal. Very Happy

Please don't trash a real one Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 8:51 pm

Oh no if i build one it will be from scratch i couldn't have the heart to cut up a vw.
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VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Empty
PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 1:22 pm

MSTEELE wrote:
Oh no if i build one it will be from scratch i couldn't have the heart to cut up a vw.

Great, your like me, i like custom Vw's but i couldn't ever cut on afro e up!
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PostSubject: Re: VW bug and 8 hp Briggs   VW bug and 8 hp Briggs Icon_minitime

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