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 The Rig mower

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PostSubject: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2012, 7:27 pm

I recently got back into bulding/ modifying lawn mowers. Very Happy When i was like 14 my budy and i made offroad mowers to travel between eachothers houses. When we turned 16 , well we drove cars. No My tractor "Hotrod" was put to pasture. a few years later we decided for some reason to mud bog, so he built ad old craftsman lt 10 i think and i refurbished and modded Hotrod for woods duty. Locked diffys slightly higher gearing over stock sutabel for woods, bumpers lights uname it. cheers Tons of fun It became no fun due to my buddy breaking like 5 transmissions it was a foote 3 speed im thinking. Hotrod was worn all to hell as well so out to pasture The neighbor kid bought it. Then he refurbished it and now muds with it lol! Recently my buddy got an craftsman and asked you wana ride again? Dude you bet your ass. So i built the Angersol. The rig is an old ingersol RENAMED the ANGERSOL i got for 40$ needed a coil Its got a good stout frame and steering has a peerles 843 transaxle wich has been a tough unit . It became the rig when the mega cart was built. check out the pics NOW I READ THE RULES, I DONT HAVE A HOOD ON MINE AND NEITHER DOSE MY FRIENDS, IF IT IS A BIG DEAL I WILL REMOVE THE PICS. I DONT WANT TO CAUSE AN
ISSSUEThe Rig mower 41040_11
Me and my buddy on his craftsman and Me on HotRod
The Rig mower 04121213
The ANGERSOL with new tires on it
The Rig mower 04091212
The firewood/ beer /recovery cart with off road mega tires
The Rig mower 04121211
THE RIG, she is pretty muhc done except the bumper and a good test ride

The Rig mower 04121212

The Rig mower 04021210

The Angersol's build

Now i will post some pics of our muddig adventures as soon as my buddy gets the crapsman all done, He has a recovery cart for when someone breaks down that needs building i will post that to
i Went mudding cheers

Last edited by Therig on April 26th 2012, 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2012, 12:02 am

Wait, we have to run hoods? We have rules? When did all this happen?
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2012, 9:57 am

Hoods are suggested, not required. Rules aren't too bad here, seems like they are friendly about nudging people to safer builds.

Looks like you have some decent mudders there. I started out the same way, built one as a kid that was faster than stock, but not super fast. Then 10 years later looked at a old mower I had and decided to build again. Been doing it ever since. Learned a lot since that first one. I've got a couple build threads up, going to post a thread of the first one I built as an adult.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2012, 9:59 am

I just noticed you are in akron, I'm about an hour or hour and half away. Need to get together and run them sometime.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2012, 8:27 pm

I dont run my tractors w/o hoods, unless its for a test drive after repairs - looks ugly to me w/o one - like driving a car around with no front clip.

Most rules are basic common sense and for saftey - but sometimes common sense cant be taught.....

Over the years ive learned what not to do on modifed tractors - like leaving them stock. Being designed for under 8mph, they dont work for speed applications . Thinking back im like " was i crazy? I coulda killed myself " .

My last but now current mod tractor is my 94 murray , a few years back it sported a twin 18HP briggs , golf kart tires , 6" and 3" pulleys - i ran it up to almost 40mph and nearly crashed when i lost control - that was the last time i rode it, i took it apart and it sat for 3 years in the back yard .

I havent really had a fast tractor since then, i recently finished a stock mower rebuild and decided to drag the murray in next. Im building custom spindles , swapped a MTD front axle in, making custom adapters to run 4 bolt hubs on the stock transmission - im lowering the seat position, going with direct steering, and ill have to do something about brakes - not sure how ill set that up yet. Im going with a OHV briggs for now , possibly change to a 18HP twin with twin carbs- not sure yet tho.

Best thing about this now is using the 4 bolt hubs, i can use my 10" golf kart wheels or swap on a set of 8" golf kart wheels that i plan on putting turf tires on - multi purpose tractor.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 26th 2012, 9:10 am

I would suggest some support on those stacks... a roll over off road might cause some engine breakage. Not that these ever roll over or anything haha

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this)
Chaos Build

The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 26th 2012, 8:15 pm

Stretch44875 wrote:
I just noticed you are in akron, I'm about an hour or hour and half away. Need to get together and run them sometime.
I wen mudding tonight after work lol
Very Happy cheers lol!
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 26th 2012, 9:13 pm

Wow, Ohio's representing this thread. I'm in Columbus. We should get together and do an Ohio run.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 10:47 am

That's what I'm saying... I've got some land, some off-roading, and tools to fix anything...

September is the annual tractor party at my place, we have been doing it for a long time. I'll post a thread/invite later in the year.

But until then, ya'll are welcome to come by during the weekends, and check out each other's rides.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 10:52 am

Stretch44875 wrote:
That's what I'm saying... I've got some land, some off-roading, and tools to fix anything...

September is the annual tractor party at my place, we have been doing it for a long time. I'll post a thread/invite later in the year.

But until then, ya'll are welcome to come by during the weekends, and check out each other's rides.

If something is setup. I'll load up a tractor and bring some tools and spare parts. I wish my trailer was big enough for more than one tractor.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 11:20 am

Sounds like the tractor party just got a little bigger... LOL Sorry for the thread hijack Rig!

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this)
Chaos Build

The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
Check out the pics and vids!

Haspin 2021 was a blast!  Check out pics and vids here
Haspin 2021 thread

Join us for the annual Mowron-fest at Haspin Acres!
Haspin Acres Rally 2022!

Check out my YouTube for more tractor action, my vlog, and my bus build!
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 1:37 pm

Your in there a little deep Rig.

Reminds me, need to do some extra grease zerks for the deep stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 2:19 pm

The deep water reminds me of that run we did out at your uncle's, Stretch. Long runs with the exhaust bubbling away, walking along beside instead of riding on in places. Ahhh memories!

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this)
Chaos Build

The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
Check out the pics and vids!

Haspin 2021 was a blast!  Check out pics and vids here
Haspin 2021 thread

Join us for the annual Mowron-fest at Haspin Acres!
Haspin Acres Rally 2022!

Check out my YouTube for more tractor action, my vlog, and my bus build!
TheRainbowBoxer on YouTube
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2012, 4:12 pm

dagr8tim wrote:
Wow, Ohio's representing this thread. I'm in Columbus. We should get together and do an Ohio run.

Im in Akron New York Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2012, 11:50 pm

TheRainbowBoxer wrote:
I would suggest some support on those stacks... a roll over off road might cause some engine breakage. Not that these ever roll over or anything haha

Yeah i made some stack supports tonights . Ive run stacks before and they always fall down or something so they are solid mounted. Thanks for the idea though Smile
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2012, 12:00 am

I dont know if anyone is running oppsed twins. I want to share some info that a few may alreay know. The 12.5Hp - 16Hp optw engines are all the same cubic inch wise . They are simply detuned normaly through the carbs i was looking at mine when i would get into deep mudd or something at full throttle it would choke out and spit and spudder No i figured it was dirty. i decided to sompletly remove the carb for this cleaning and realized holy SHi@ thats a small bore for such a large displacment motor. So i found a carb from an old 18 hp unit i had . and its alot bigger. the 18 hp is a 42 cube again th 12.5-16 are 40. So installed that carb and what a diffrence so if any guys are dealing with something simmalar try a bigger carb. THat little dime sized hole couldent allow engough cfm to pass and it would literaly choke out Mad but problem solved now cheers Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2012, 7:45 am

I've seen the smaller opposed twins on here, but have yet to see one in person. I've got a 16, 16.5, and a 16 block with 18hp everything else. They seem like a decent engine. They can idle really slow, for puttering around.

The one 16hp has a label that says 696cc, which sounds like a 42 ci motor.

Wonder if the cam/timing/ or something else is tuned different in the smaller ones.

I did notice one engine is older, and has a different intake/governor linkage on it. It also did not have the finned cover for the connecting rods, just a flat piece of steel. I replaced it with the aluminum finned cover.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2012, 11:00 pm

Stretch44875 wrote:
I've seen the smaller opposed twins on here, but have yet to see one in person. I've got a 16, 16.5, and a 16 block with 18hp everything else. They seem like a decent engine. They can idle really slow, for puttering around.

The one 16hp has a label that says 696cc, which sounds like a 42 ci motor.

Wonder if the cam/timing/ or something else is tuned different in the smaller ones.

I did notice one engine is older, and has a different intake/governor linkage on it. It also did not have the finned cover for the connecting rods, just a flat piece of steel. I replaced it with the aluminum finned cover.

Yeah Briggs changed the carbs intakes and govenors for difrfent years and modles of the opposed twins. Smile All i wanted to say was that the 14hp twin2 i have was chokeing out under load/ mud i installed a larger carb and it repaired it into a completly diffrent unit. it runs strong no chokeing out . So idk if you have that issue that may be a help
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 7:22 am

I was wrong on the cc size, it was 656cc, not 696.
Ran that motor for the first time in a racer, it runs decent. It does act a little choked, but runs good. See how it does in mud.
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PostSubject: Lawn Mower Mud Bog   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 9:30 am

Broome-Tioga Sportcenter near Binghamton NY is doing a lawn mower mud bog as part of their Hillbilly Mud Bog Weekend in July. I am building one to give it a try, a twin 18hp Yard Machines that I pieced back together from 3 other mowers. I found that mud bog by looking on craigslist, Does anyone else know of any other events like that in New York? I see there is one other guy from New York on this forum. I am from Arcade NY.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 6:59 pm

lawnzilla wrote:
Broome-Tioga Sportcenter near Binghamton NY is doing a lawn mower mud bog as part of their Hillbilly Mud Bog Weekend in July. I am building one to give it a try, a twin 18hp Yard Machines that I pieced back together from 3 other mowers. I found that mud bog by looking on craigslist, Does anyone else know of any other events like that in New York? I see there is one other guy from New York on this forum. I am from Arcade NY.

Small world! I lived in Yorkshire most of my life.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2012, 6:45 pm

I ran a 18HP opposed twin on my mod murray - thing had power to spare - since i plan on using that motor on a stocker now, i have a old 18HP that didnt have a carb , i plan on making a manifold and running a moped carb on it - definitly anything from a motorcycle to snowmobile carb would make a twin run stronger.
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2012, 10:13 pm

Your going to run a 50cc moped carburetor on a 650 cc engine?
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 14th 2012, 7:27 am

The carb is for a street legal moped - 60mph type - have 2 of em- might put both on it , i had been trying to put 2 tractor carbs on it .
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 11:41 pm

Went offroading. today ive made a few upgrades like a mega bumper as well as a set of stack brackets to allow stacks to be doubled as bush guards and not bend or fall down. Very Happy 4 went mudding 2 made it bad 2 went back down and only 1 made it back Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: The Rig mower   The Rig mower Icon_minitime

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