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 I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor

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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2012, 4:30 pm

Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. i have been working on a craftsman off-road mower for a wile. so far i have done pulley swaps, custom tube bumpers. lighting, a winch and stacks. I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs engine. i rebuilt the carb with a rebuild kit from Briggs and can not get it to run right. it seems to be getting wayyyyy to much fuel, to the point where it is spraying out the top constantly. I have tried adjusting the needle and it does not do a thing. i have tried changing the needle back to stock also and it didn't help. I must have missed something but i cant seem to figure it out. If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone!
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2012, 4:40 pm

The float may be sticking or the needle not seating.
The bowl vent is near the throat of the carb, if it's over filling the bowl it will dump it into the intake.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2012, 4:54 pm

not to much into the twin carbs but i know the flat heads some have a small rubber seat the needle valve rest on when the bowl is full with that gone the carb will over flo with gas another thing is to check the bowl for leaks if it leaks it will stay down allowing gas to over flow. You might want to check your oil after you found the problem oil might be shot from to much gas.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 7:30 am

The float needle has a rubber tip, make sure it is good. float should be level if you hold it upside down. Look where the needle seats, make sure it is clean and smooth. The oppesed fuel pumps can pump a lot of gas, if the needle is leaking, it will run right into the engine.

Shake the float and make sure no gas is inside. Put it in a container of gas and check for leaks.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Engine Tech :: Carb problems   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 8:02 am

if the fuel is spraying out the top of the carb, you probably have an intake valve problem. if the valve is not closed tight, air will be pushed back through the carb. the venturi effect in the carb works backwards too.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2012, 6:07 pm

Thanks for all the quick reply's folks! I think i have found the needle most of you are referring too. Its is a brand new needle but the sleeve is the original. i can not seem to get the sleeve out to change it. The float bowl itself is solid, and free moving. Also i think i may have not attached the little clip on the top of the needle to the bowl when i put it together. It may have been resting on top. Could that be the problem? Also about the valve problem, what can i do to fix that? I'm pretty sure it wasn't spraying gas out the carb last time i ran it before the carb rebuild. Once again i really appreciated everyone's help. Thanks!
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2012, 10:09 am

The clip on the needle, may be the cause of the gas spitting out try that first.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2012, 1:12 pm

I'm not sure you can replace the sleeve. I've never had to, the older carbs had a o ring seat in the sleeve that could be replaced.

Sometimes I don't even use the clip, it's really just there for assembly at the factory. It may help unstick the needle if it is sticky.
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 6:06 pm

Sorry its been a wile since I have gotten back to you folks here. I tore the carb completely down again last week and nothing realy jumped out at me as a problem. I havent had a chance to test it out again because my battery and jumper died. Ill get back to you folks here as soon as i give it a try and let you know how it goes. Thanks again for all the help!
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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor   I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor Icon_minitime

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I have been having a problem lately with the 19.5 hp opposed twin Briggs carburetor
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