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 17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired?

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Age : 48
Join date : 2011-08-23
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Location : beekman town new york

17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired? Empty
PostSubject: 17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired?   17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired? Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2012, 11:19 pm

hi i just bought a tractor amp meter and i cant get it wired it has a negative and positve and a red wire on the top its in a montgomery ward with a 17.5 briggs and strattion please somebody help Question
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Age : 60
Join date : 2012-01-31
Points : 4763
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Location : central Wisconsin

17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired?   17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired? Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2012, 12:50 am

The ammeter is wired inline with the electrical load, positive to the battery- negative to the load. It is usually wired from the ignition on terminal to the rest of the tractor. The red wire is probably for the guage light and would go to the light switch. Did this tractor have an ammeter or are you adding one?
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17.5 briggs and strattion amp meter and i cant get it wired?
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