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 What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?

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briggs 123
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2012, 8:45 pm

what is a good strong tranny that will go in a craftsman 2 pretty easy
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 2:14 pm

i put a peerless 930 in mine it bolted up good.
dont get some dana foote shit whatever you do
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briggs 123
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 11:33 pm

craftworks125 wrote:
i put a peerless 930 in mine it bolted up good.
dont get some dana foote shit whatever you do
ok i will look for one is it pretty strong and what size tires u got
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2012, 2:12 pm

Try to only find peerless transmissions. Spicer/footes, and most other brands wont hold up and are practically crap. Most transaxles will bolt up the same say or have the same bolt pattern and if they don't it's simple to drill new holes or something to that nature. A peerless 600/820/930 etc would all be a good choice. A peerless 700 is for live axles if you want to start racing.
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: craftsman tranny   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2012, 2:48 am

Saw this posted on craigslist today. craftsman hydro tranny $150

Its a FNR out of a shit on the go. Have seen guys list them as a 7 speed transmision. Sure as hell isnt a hydro and he will be lucky to get $50

What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? 5Ld5F65M73I23Jc3lcc6jceaaee01197f101c

Fackin noobs
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Hillbilly Homer
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2012, 6:33 am

Question ...FNR... Question

Embarassed ...Ok forward neutral reverse... Embarassed
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2012, 6:37 pm

briggs 123 wrote:
ok i will look for one is it pretty strong and what size tires u got[/quote] Carlisle 18x9.5-8 super lugs
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briggs 123
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2012, 1:55 pm

craftworks125 wrote:
briggs 123 wrote:
ok i will look for one is it pretty strong and what size tires u got
Carlisle 18x9.5-8 super lugs
[/quote]my tires are 24x10-12 GBC dirt devils
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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?   What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman? Icon_minitime

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What is a good strong tranaxle that will go in a craftsman?
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