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 is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000

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is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Empty
PostSubject: is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000   is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2013, 10:16 am

hello i have a few questions has any body locked a rear diff on a lt 1000 and is it a wise idea and what would i need to do to do this i have been building these mowers for years now and was a bit scared on locking diffs and need some advice and how would i make a gas petal on it it has a 11hp b&s on her lol
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PostSubject: Re: is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000   is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2013, 10:32 am

Ya I've done it before I would use a piece of pipe and lock it that way
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is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000   is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2013, 11:12 am

You could weld the spider gears (2) to the big main pin, fearless have a video on it. If you google a fozzy lock gears for like a mst205 that's another way.
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PostSubject: Re: is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000   is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000 Icon_minitime

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is it a good idea to lock a rear diff on my new craftsman lt 1000
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