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 New Craftsman Project

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PostSubject: New Craftsman Project   New Craftsman Project Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2012, 3:38 pm

So im planning on building a offroad tractor but im only 14 and dont have access to a welder and need tips and things i can do to it, it is a Craftsman Lt4000 standard 6 spd it has a 12.5 hp tecumseh on it which im going to have to replace or rebuild because it smokes really bad. also is there a rear end that is already locked i can buy somewhere and how could i make my front spindles bigger to fit the rear tires any help would be appreciated here are some pictures so follow the link
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PostSubject: Re: New Craftsman Project   New Craftsman Project Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2012, 10:17 pm

Try taking the muffler off of your engine first and seeing if it still smokes with the muffler off, I know I had a friend who thought it was the engine and it ended up being the muffler because the owner before him tipped the engine upright and stored it and oil leaked into the muffler and when he started it up all he saw was the oil burning. and making the spindle extensions try drilling a hole on the inside of the spindle about 3/4"-1" deep and thread it with the appropriate tap then find bolts that will thread in and use Red LockTite and some washers and then you should be able to fit the rear tires on the front of your Mower, Try getting Grade 8 bolts and drilling the hole a moderately big size so the bolts have less chance of breaking/bending. and I don't know where you could get the rear end locked, try a machine shop or maybe see if a Highschool with a welding shop would be willing to do it(they would charge the cheapest if they charged any).
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PostSubject: Re: New Craftsman Project   New Craftsman Project Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2012, 6:52 pm

My 85 LT12 had a 12HP teccy - it ran pretty good, cept when the muffler blew off it didnt have ANY power to speak of - the oil breather would puke serious amounts of oil into the carb as well - think the breather was bad . I swapped a Briggs motor on it - i plan on putting the teccy on somthing just to run the snot out of it someday.
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PostSubject: Re: New Craftsman Project   New Craftsman Project Icon_minitime

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