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 British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting

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British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting Empty
PostSubject: British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting   British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2012, 12:31 pm

Back in September, my dad and I went up to Axbridge in Somerset to attend the BLMRA race meeting. I got some good pictures and a few video clips of the event and I took some technical pics to help my build my Dynamark tractor.
Since Junkstarbuilds was asking about race mowers in the Speed Mower Vs Race Mower, I thought I'd upload some of the pictures that may help some people.

Class 3
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1776
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1771
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1789

Class 4
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1773
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1790

Front end of a class 3 Westwood Lawnbug
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1815

A nice simple way of tensioning the belt on the same mower
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1818

Simple cable and pulley for clutch operation on a class 4 tractor
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting DSC00218

Front end of a class 4 tractor
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1821
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_1822

Throttle and brake pedal of a class 4 tractor
British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting 100_18191

Ill get some video clips uploaded as soon as I can.
Link to the British Lawn Mower Racing Association website if you want to check them out

Hope these will help some of you Very Happy

Please do not redistribute these pictures without asking me first.
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British Lawn Mower Racing Association Axbridge Race Meeting
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