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 Racing lawn tractor

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Age : 111
Join date : 2011-03-30
Points : 5044
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Location : United States

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PostSubject: Racing lawn tractor    Racing lawn tractor  Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2012, 6:06 pm

Hey guys I've been tinkerin around with my new project its a old b-81 wheelhorse frame which used to have a vertical engine in it but will be plated up for a 5hp honda motor so my question is the thing will probably weigh 125 to 150 pounds on the high end with a centrifical clutch running to an eight inch sprocket. Will it weigh to much to to move 25 to 30 mph

Will it also have enough torque to pull donut on dirt? It has ribbed stock golf cart tires that are 4 or 5 inch wide tires.

Thanks Crazymudder

let me know what you think i need to order parts soon What a Face cyclops
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Join date : 2012-02-04
Points : 4768
Posts : 56
Location : ME

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PostSubject: Re: Racing lawn tractor    Racing lawn tractor  Icon_minitimeFebruary 22nd 2012, 5:49 pm

I dont think it will do a donut in the dirt but it might Very Happy
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