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 Rally climbing a car

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2 posters
Ford Boi
Ford Boi

Age : 40
Join date : 2010-08-22
Points : 5479
Posts : 242
Location : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

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PostSubject: Rally climbing a car   Rally climbing a car Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2012, 7:26 pm

Well I got my transaxle fixed up, had a couple blown gears. Took the Rally out for a final run with the old Briggs 12..... made a dumb little video to commemorate the engine.... At the expense of this poor old 59 Chevy. Swapped in the 19 Intek twin yesterday... pics and video of first run with 7 extra HP to come !! Also yes I haven't been on here much all summer, because I've been busy renovating my 'new' house. Now that mower season is here, you'll see a lot of me lol

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Age : 48
Join date : 2012-07-03
Points : 4854
Posts : 236
Location : Fort Stewart Georgia

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PostSubject: you know Im adding you   Rally climbing a car Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2012, 10:14 pm

Im adding this to the mower community playlist..
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

Age : 40
Join date : 2010-08-22
Points : 5479
Posts : 242
Location : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Rally climbing a car   Rally climbing a car Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 2:43 pm

Go for it.
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PostSubject: Re: Rally climbing a car   Rally climbing a car Icon_minitime

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