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 Any body see something like this surfing around the net?

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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2012, 11:40 pm

Ive got an idea and wanted to know if anybody has seen it done before. I want to cut my truck frame shorten it and bolt the rear diff directly to the tranny and have a little gokart thing. Has anybody seen anything like this before?
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 12:33 am

Sorta. When I was in High school the junior automotives class did that with a datsun pickup.

Looked goofy as hell, but they were just kearning, Maybe you can do better
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 12:41 am

Thats ironic my truck is a Datsun except its the year they turned into Nissan
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 10:48 am

If the Ujoint size is the same, it should be possible - youd have to keep the front yoke from the trans and the rear pinion yoke- Im thinking youd have to probably weld the yokes together.
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 10:59 am

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
Thats ironic my truck is a Datsun except its the year they turned into Nissan

I had the 4x4 king cab. Had Nissan on the fenders and Datsun on the tailgate. It had a great driveline, 2.2l hemi with two plugs per cylinder and header style 4-2-1 exhaust. Everything was divorced and flanged, I want another one since you can bolt them together in all kinds of interesting ways.

If yours is like mine was, and you keep the alignment right, you could bolt them flange to flange with no problems. I'd use a rubber disk beween them to absorb any slight variations
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Age : 25
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2012, 11:25 am

Im pretty sure ive got the 2.3L model
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Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any body see something like this surfing around the net?   Any body see something like this surfing around the net? Icon_minitime

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Any body see something like this surfing around the net?
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