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 73 Roper tear ft. near rollover

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2 posters
Ford Boi
Ford Boi

Age : 40
Join date : 2010-08-22
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Location : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

73 Roper tear ft. near rollover Empty
PostSubject: 73 Roper tear ft. near rollover   73 Roper tear ft. near rollover Icon_minitime12/7/2012, 19:48

Just a few dumb clips of me farting around on the old Roper, stock machine with Dunlops on the rear. Gotta treat her decent because it is also my lawnmower for summer! Hope everyone still likes my dumb clips!

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500+ Posts
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Age : 58
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Location : Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Eh!

73 Roper tear ft. near rollover Empty
PostSubject: Re: 73 Roper tear ft. near rollover   73 Roper tear ft. near rollover Icon_minitime12/7/2012, 21:26

You need separate wheel brakes, with an open diff, you can lock a spinning wheel to force the stopped one to turn.
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73 Roper tear ft. near rollover
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