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 Meet tiny green! (dynamark)

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Age : 29
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Location : Scottdale, PA

Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 1:28 am

I've had this tractor for about 2 years now. Its went through a few different transformations.

First build:
Mildly built briggs 8hp
locked rear
5in front pulley, 7 1/2 rear
18in rear tires
hand throttle
welded front end
pull start
upgraded steering

[img]Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Downsized_1031001540[/img]

Second build:
22in rear tires
18in front tires
custom made clutch
8in front pulley

I ran into a few problems with this phase. One being that the old 8hp just didnt have the power to turn the big tires. Another being that the clutch I made was great at holding the belt tight, but never really disengaged fully. That lead to hard shifting and stalling.

[img]Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Downsized_1206001515[/img]

Third and hopefully the last build:
18in rear mud tires
stock fronts
stock clutch put back on
kawasaki 9hp
3 1/2 front pulley
wiring harness put back in
custom exhaust
front bumper
rear rack
traditional throttle put back on

[img]Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Rearrack_zps10bab399[/img]

[img]Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Frontbumper_zpsa5da763e[/img]

Still to come:
hood rack

If you want to see the whole build, off road romping, and more check out my youtube channel in my signature!
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Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2012, 1:37 am

Looks pretty good!

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Age : 29
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Location : Scottdale, PA

Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2012, 11:49 pm

Thanks. It's been along time in the making.
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Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2012, 1:15 am

looks awesome! im getting the same tractor almost with a 3 speed and a 12hp briggs but im unsure what color to paint it. i really like this color! how many coats did you use?
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Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2012, 6:29 pm

I cant remember exactly. I think I used a total of 3 cans on the whole tractor. But i always have to touch it up every couple months.
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Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2012, 7:42 pm

I use Painters Touch paint. It goes on really dark so I only usually need one or two coats. Thats the black paint I use. I think they had it in a similar green.

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PostSubject: Re: Meet tiny green! (dynamark)   Meet tiny green! (dynamark) Icon_minitime

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