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 i blew the trans in my mudder:(

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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 3:40 pm

while driving my lawnmower i shifted to 6th gear and the tires locked up in the rear then a loud bang and it was moving again after looking at the underside it started to smoke A LOT of smoke so i have a winter project sence i have 2ft+ of snow. it drifts good haha
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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 5:01 pm

Ouch that's not good. How did you do it? Too much speed? torque?
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Craftsman Dude
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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 5:37 pm

I did that once it hurt I slide forward into the steering wheel OUCH . I thought my trans was screwed took it apart and the snap ring holding the gear to the pinion broke, and the pinion gear got stuck under the rest of the gears but nothing else was broken. So I got another snap ring and put the gear back on the pinion inspected everything seemed ok so I put it back in and im still running it I couldnt believe nothiing else was broken . You may or may not be able to fix yours but pull it apart and see hey its allready broken.
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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 6:29 pm

Thats a bummer. It usually cheaper to buy a whole nother mower for parts then to buy just a trans. If its really cold, I will let mine warm up by letting it run about half throttle in neutral with the clutch engaged. Just to get things movin
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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 6:56 pm

well it goes 20mph and it was bound to go there not made for what we do with them haha and my diff is welded so its solid it still has all forward and reverse gears so it may need a new case ill make a video on it when i get a good camera any good under $70 video cameras?
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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 7:04 pm

I just use a standard digital camera. Bought it about a year ago for $40. Its not the best but it could be worse.

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i blew the trans in my mudder:( Empty
PostSubject: Re: i blew the trans in my mudder:(   i blew the trans in my mudder:( Icon_minitime

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i blew the trans in my mudder:(
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