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 I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck

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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2013, 10:03 am

I scored a free mower! only problem is its in KY, and I have to wait on my parents to come visit me in a couple months before i can get it lolits a craftsman, 19.5hp ( briggs im assuming ) 42" deck and what im assuming is a hydrostatic tranny, instead of a 5 or 6 speed it just has the Forward neutral and reverse selector lever on the gas pedal tho so im not sure how all that works I'll see if i can get my dad to get some pics for me so i can post them!
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2013, 12:37 pm

Sweet, those are good motors. Could be Kohler too. Post some photos!
The transmission is probably a FNR axle, with a variable speed pulley in the middle. Those variable speed pulleys can be really annoying, the belt tension has to be perfect, I would sugest putting in a shiftable transaxle if you can. Smile
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2013, 2:52 pm

Free is the best kind!
A good thing about those tractors... AYP used the same driveline/clutch setup with both the hydro and the manual. So if you want to swap the transaxle at some point, all you would need to come up with is the shift linkage & drive belt for a 6 speed.
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2013, 2:01 pm

I have 4 free tractors sitting in NY - its 1200 miles from here tho.... thats 4 days on the road up and back.
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2013, 8:44 pm

I did find out its a 19.5hp briggs turbo cool twin opposed motor
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2013, 9:01 pm

42ci opposed... Great engine. Hard on starters tho (all Briggs opposed twins are). Something to keep in mind, if it's slow starting, or needs to be jumped even with a good battery the bushings in the starter are probably worn out. I couldn't count the opposed twins I've seen eat starter bushings. 99% of them will be the upper bushing.
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Tractor Man Jeff
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2013, 9:42 pm

Mine is hard to start, and it's a single. What I did was grease the bushings on my starter and that helped some. At least it will make em last longer.
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitimeJanuary 27th 2013, 10:44 am

awesome thanks for the tips about the starter bushings!
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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Empty
PostSubject: Re: I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck   I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck Icon_minitime

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I scored a free craftsman, 19.5hp (briggs im assuming) 42" deck
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