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 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.

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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 10:28 pm

I got a Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Charlotte 660 racing engine, making 30hp at 5200 rpm. It's got a rev limmiter, oil pressure gauge and oil temp gauge stock for the motor, electric start, horizontal shaft. This thing is not a muddin tractor, its a full out street machine. This motor pushes a 800lbs car around a 1/3 mile track at about 150kph, I'm going to make a tractor do that speed.. Going to have stock law tractor tires, balanced and front end work to make the steering tight. Hydro rear disk breaks and a 12 tooth clutch, and 68 tooth on the axle... I wanna be able to get through the subdivisions in a hurry, it will be straight headers into a stupid fart can I'm going to cut off the nearest shitvic. I'm posting this here to see in anyone would be interested in watching youtube videos, or just building threads.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 10:34 pm

Sound like a cool build.
I would do videos.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 10:45 pm

I wanna see it.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2013, 7:57 pm

60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Kel110

This one is my Drag racing mower. 63.7 GPS 1/4 mile
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2013, 7:59 pm

60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Kel210

24Hp Briggs Twin, 6 inch front pulley, 3.5 rear at the transaxle, no reverse. (Prevents internal chain break,)
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2013, 8:11 pm

Kel wrote:
60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Kel210

24Hp Briggs Twin, 6 inch front pulley, 3.5 rear at the transaxle, no reverse. (Prevents internal chain break,)

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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2013, 9:21 pm

Nice cant wait to see this
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2013, 11:17 pm

i like the trailer tires for the rear, atleast they wont wear out quick and are fairly cheap to replace.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 13th 2013, 12:36 pm

For the reverse chain breakage, (in peerless 820)you can replace the stock #41 with a #40, which is almost twice the strength. Same pitch and roller dia, fits perfect. Reverse isn't too important in a road machine, but for a trail machine it's needed.

Check the front axle for camber, caster, and toe. I've had good luck with 0 toe, -5 to -10 caster, and 0 camber. Some stock axles have massive camber in them, and get unstable at speeds above 20 mph. We are at 45mph, and can drive no hands at that speed.

Those small front tires are going to be really spinning at 60mph. They make some decent high speed bearings for the 1-3/8 bore.

Looks like a neat build, pretty clean looking.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 7:04 pm

Thanks guys, this will be the 3rd year running it.

I'd have to disagree with the description of #41 and #40 chain. They may look the same but are different. I don't use the reverse chain during drag racing but yes off road you can for sure.
With this application it cuts down on heat and internal drag and vibration. But the specs on each type of chain is:
The specs on both chains are slightly different....
#41 is:
1/4" wide
.306 roller diameter
rivet end to centerline distance .313
connecting end to centerline distance .266

#40 chain is :
5/16" wide
.312 roller diameter
rivet end to centerline distance .392
connecting end to centerline distance .325

No thanks, I'll keep my hands on the steering wheel at tongue

Yes, I used bearings and high temp grease for the front tires.

Thanks Stretch...more build are on the way.

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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 7:14 pm

Hence the numbers #40 and #41 lol
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 9:35 pm

Kel wrote:
Thanks guys, this will be the 3rd year running it.

I'd have to disagree with the description of #41 and #40 chain. They may look the same but are different. I don't use the reverse chain during drag racing but yes off road you can for sure.
With this application it cuts down on heat and internal drag and vibration. But the specs on each type of chain is:
The specs on both chains are slightly different....
#41 is:
1/4" wide
.306 roller diameter
rivet end to centerline distance .313
connecting end to centerline distance .266

#40 chain is :
5/16" wide
.312 roller diameter
rivet end to centerline distance .392
connecting end to centerline distance .325

No thanks, I'll keep my hands on the steering wheel at tongue

Yes, I used bearings and high temp grease for the front tires.

Thanks Stretch...more build are on the way.


yeah , im not gonna let go of it eather, lol
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 9:41 pm

I would do videos and build awesome tractors.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 9:53 pm

30hp100mph wrote:
I got a Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Charlotte 660 racing engine, making 30hp at 5200 rpm. It's got a rev limmiter, oil pressure gauge and oil temp gauge stock for the motor, electric start, horizontal shaft. This thing is not a muddin tractor, its a full out street machine. This motor pushes a 800lbs car around a 1/3 mile track at about 150kph, I'm going to make a tractor do that speed.. Going to have stock law tractor tires, balanced and front end work to make the steering tight. Hydro rear disk breaks and a 12 tooth clutch, and 68 tooth on the axle... I wanna be able to get through the subdivisions in a hurry, it will be straight headers into a stupid fart can I'm going to cut off the nearest shitvic. I'm posting this here to see in anyone would be interested in watching youtube videos, or just building threads.

With that set you will top out at 40-50 unless you have giant tires see this website
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 10:27 pm

i seen a guy with a 6 speed 2.5 in back and 6in in front with a 20hp twin doing 55
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2013, 10:40 am

Relax guys, it will work, and work well. #40 is a wider chain, same pitch, perfect fit. 41 is the light duty application for 40 chain.

I looked up specs and dimensions when replacing the chain. The way they list dimensions is deceiving, the one's that don't match have to do with the wider width, and larger pins. Rollers are still same diameter, I measured them with the dial indicators.

You may not be able to use 41 chain in place of 40 chain, if the teeth are too wide on the sprocket.

Next time you have a set of 41 sprockets, take a piece of 40 chain and check it out. Perfect fit.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2013, 10:51 am

He is right... I helped him with replacing the chains and they work great.

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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2013, 5:40 pm

dylansrockinrigs wrote:
30hp100mph wrote:
I got a Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Charlotte 660 racing engine, making 30hp at 5200 rpm. It's got a rev limmiter, oil pressure gauge and oil temp gauge stock for the motor, electric start, horizontal shaft. This thing is not a muddin tractor, its a full out street machine. This motor pushes a 800lbs car around a 1/3 mile track at about 150kph, I'm going to make a tractor do that speed.. Going to have stock law tractor tires, balanced and front end work to make the steering tight. Hydro rear disk breaks and a 12 tooth clutch, and 68 tooth on the axle... I wanna be able to get through the subdivisions in a hurry, it will be straight headers into a stupid fart can I'm going to cut off the nearest shitvic. I'm posting this here to see in anyone would be interested in watching youtube videos, or just building threads.

With that set you will top out at 40-50 unless you have giant tires see this website

Need a calc with pulleys, and yeah there's really a huge difference on the tire dimension.
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2013, 5:42 pm

Stretch44875 wrote:
Relax guys, it will work, and work well. #40 is a wider chain, same pitch, perfect fit. 41 is the light duty application for 40 chain.

I looked up specs and dimensions when replacing the chain. The way they list dimensions is deceiving, the one's that don't match have to do with the wider width, and larger pins. Rollers are still same diameter, I measured them with the dial indicators.

You may not be able to use 41 chain in place of 40 chain, if the teeth are too wide on the sprocket.

Next time you have a set of 41 sprockets, take a piece of 40 chain and check it out. Perfect fit.

You've tried it so...
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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.   60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor. Icon_minitime

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60MPH (minimum) lawn tractor.
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