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 Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!

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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 3:50 am

It runs and drives but needs a few things. The mower is a Craftsman, the wheels/tires are off of an old deuce and a half military cargo truck, and the chassis and drive system parts I fabricated. It has a 12 HP Briggs in it, and I have a 19.5 HP Briggs that also goes with it. I will be working on it in the mean time if it does not sell swapping motors to the bigger motor, installing bigger brakes, building custom front and rear bumpers, installing chrome exhaust stacks, etc, etc, etc.

The guy is selling it on CL and if you want to see it here is the link>

Also, I emailed him and he said he might come to the forum and post more pics and give some insite on the project build! So we might get some ideas from someone who already built one of the monster Mowers!

Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! 3G73Fe3Jc5N75Ef5K6d282127077acdf91828
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 8:59 am

OMG that is crazy, that's what you call a monster mower, holy cheesecake.
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 9:03 am

That a nice lifted mower there.
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 9:33 am

I got a pile of those tires and rims in the barn.

Interesting build, it's got to be heavy as heck.
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 11th 2013, 9:38 am

Those are 2.5 ton axle tires. They use those for the military trucks when the are working on them to push them around
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matthew sidor
matthew sidor

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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2013, 2:23 pm

hmm finally another person that has a lifted mower in washington lol
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PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2013, 3:40 pm

I want to see more of that mini Jeep behind the mower Cool
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Ariens YT11
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitimeFebruary 12th 2013, 4:05 pm

matthew sidor wrote:
hmm finally another person that has a lifted mower in washington lol
I'm in WA too. lol
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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!   Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower! Icon_minitime

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Seattle Washington has a Monster Mower!
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