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 Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.

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TroyBilt Pony
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2013, 9:59 pm

Hey i was wondering how would i get a tire off my transaxle, the tire doesnt want to move. Here are a list of what ive tried:

-Pulling on the tire and pulling on the tractor at the same time
-Penetrating oil between the Axle and the Rim and trying to pull it off again
-Heating the Rim up with a torch to expand the metal and then pull on it again
-Hitting the Axle and pulling on the rim
-Putting a jack between the Frame and the rim and trying to push it off(not alot of pressure, just until i notice it start to flex the rim)

i cant get the piece of Keystock out either so its still in there and the Snap Ring is off:P What other Suggestions do you guys have, the other tire had grease on the axle so it slid of easy... i want to keep the rim and transaxle so i cant really break either one.
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2013, 10:53 pm

Heat up the rim all the way around on both sides, and dont heat up the axle shaft. Then take some ice cold water and shock it. Try that a few times.

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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 12:00 am

Never though of cooling it, i though if i were to get it hot enough it would be better to keep it warm, if i was to be able to get the Keystock out i think i might have better luck too(i was thinking of welding a piece of clothes hanger to it) but ill give your idea a try first.
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 12:26 am

I know shocking it should just knock the rust loose. Get the rim around the shaft red hot and take a 5 gal bucket of icy cold water and dump it on it. Should work. If not you could always try a pulling tool.

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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 12:42 am

Sounds like the same issue I had on one of my F-N-R transaxles, I ended up making a puller and ruined the rim. Since the rim never moved and was now junk, I then plasma torched the rim off by the hub part then took a cutoff wheel to the hub part. Still had to pry the hub off after it was cut in the middle on both sides due to the rust.
The only thing I didn't do was get both parts cherry red with heat, I did heat them up but not real hot.
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 4:59 pm

i just tried heating them red hot then cooling them with cold water, still didn't work, Then i tried heating it red hot again and then i started swinging at the tire(not the rim) and still nothing, im thinking the only option left would be to cut it off or take the keystock out and try everything again
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PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 5:38 pm

Pour some PB Blaster in there then put the other tire on and out the tranny on a mower and take it on a romp without the keyway in.
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TroyBilt Pony
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2013, 9:08 pm

I take a spud bar and a small sledge and beet it lol after that I always grease the shaft so it slides offf every month I take them off and grease them
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 12:42 am

I have a couple tricks that usually work.
Step 1
Go buy a can of pb blaster, as you will use at least half a can,

Step 2
Use a torch and get the wheel cherry red where it slides on
The axle, then spray the axle with pb. It will smoke like crazy
And occasionally catch fire so have something to put out the flames if they get to big. Keep spraying the axle till the smoking stops. This "cracks" the rust and let's the pb get down where it needs to be

Step 3 repeat steps 1-2 at least 3 times.

Step 4 get a medium size ball peen or small sledge and a 3/4 inch punch
Have a friend with gloves put his feet on the tranny and pull the tire like he was trying to pull it off. Put the punch on the shaft and hit it fast, as in your not hitting it as hard as you can, but your trying to make the hammer hit the punch at max speed. Make sure you do step 4 after heating and before pb
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 11:38 am

Two ways i would go after it.
1)  if i don't care about the rims. use the torch and cut them off.
2)  if you do care.  Disassemble the transmission and put the axle and rim in a press and heat the rim while under pressure
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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 5:49 pm

I usually use the shock method Doug described. The heat (concentrated on the outer hub) begins to expand the outer material, and then when you quench it with the cold water, the rapid contraction at differing rates tends to break the rust bond.

For really stubborn stuff like that, I will soak in PB, Liquid Wrench, or similar penetrant multiple times over a few days. This gives it time to penetrate. Without time to penetrate, you're just oiling up the outside.

As mentioned above, I also apply more penetrant while heating.

Somebody 'round here (I think it mighta been FF, forgive me if I'm wrong) has also made use of the wax method. This involves again concentrating heat on the hub, and touching a small tea-lite type candle to the join allowing the wax to melt and wick it. I still haven't tried this, but apparently it is an old mechanic's trick and quite effective.
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PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 7:03 pm

That was actually MaineMudMower (aka redneckgeak on youtube) he has a vid on youtube for it.

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transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2013, 9:16 pm

Shoot- I knew it was one of the two. My sincere apologies, MMM- great vid!
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PostSubject: Re: Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge.   transaxle - Best way to get your rear Rim off of Transaxle that wont budge. Icon_minitime

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