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 4x4 Mower Build

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PostSubject: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 11:05 am

This was an idea but now its a project. Im building a 4x4 mower with 2 6 speed trannys. It is going to be skid steer but i may upgrade to regular steering. Im also going to lift it about an inch or two. Im going to get 4 disc brakes so i can have one on each axle and i will have a lever on each side. the lever on the right side activates the two brakes on the right side and same for the left lever. If all goes well im going to get or build a track for it.
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 11:22 am

you should put same size tires on it and make the track out of an old big car tire.. just a thought
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 11:28 am

craftsmanmudder55 wrote:
you should put same size tires on it and make the track out of an old big car tire.. just a thought

There are some old semi tires and tractor tires way back in the woods that i stumbled upon, im not sure if there is anything big enough for the wheel base but im going to get the tranny mounts welded up soon so ill know for sure.
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 11:30 am

Car tire tracks are difficult to make. Depending on your wheel size you might be able to use real skidsteer tracks.

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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 11:31 am

I was thinking about getting some adjustable tracks for like an Argo 6x6 or something
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 12:52 pm

Skid steer tracks new are way way way way way waaayyy to expensive
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 1:48 pm

I wont have a camera for pics until tuesday but ive got the whole thing torn down to the frame and i am working on mounting the front tranny, I need to get the ulley for the front tranny cut off and i will have to weld a new one one because the old hub is rust welded to the spindle. The tranny mounts from my old craftsman dont fit because the frame width is different by about on inch. Im going to get some blocks welded in to move the mounts over so they line up with the tranny.
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2013, 5:45 pm

Ive got 26 inch tires to go all around which leaves about 10 inches between the tires so it will be a little weird looking but have good ground clearance and if it doesn't work I can always put smaller tires on. For the test runs im using 18's in the back and 17.5s in the front
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PostSubject: Re: 4x4 Mower Build   4x4 Mower Build Icon_minitime

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