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 an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members

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an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members Empty
PostSubject: an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members   an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 2:39 pm

I know this is probably not my best idea since being here, but not my worst either. Just bear with me.

Lately it has been pretty obvious I've stirred up a lot of crap on ATLTF. Never was it my intent to do so in ANY way so I do very sincerely apologize for that. It did me well when I found this place, to be around those who enjoy what I've enjoyed probably 28 of my nearly 36 years on this earth. When I was little, my first 'go kart' was a modified lawn tractor... and once my grandfather and father built it up, it was my responsibility to keep it going on my own, financially as well as mechanically. It was only a few years ago that the old bugger finally bit the dust for the last time and there was little I could do to stop it. It was just too worn out, too beat up to salvage.

To get back on point - there have been a couple individuals who I have rubbed the wrong way, and those who have done the same to me for whatever reason. It really hit my pride and enjoyment of this... well this sport I guess you could call it - like it or not, I've been at the mower modding thing longer than a large amount of the members have been alive. I don't feel entitled for that truth however, it'd been nice to be recognized for that. So I thought at the time. Now given the circumstances and the fact I'm lucky to be here after all the crap I caused in short order I realize what brought me here is what's important most -

Sharing the hobby and sport I love with those who do as well, and to help those who are just getting started in it.

So yeah, to cut this short... I'm sorry for my behavior - it got off track due to my damnable pride, I lost focus on it and wanted a piece of something I did not earn.

I can never say sorry enough, and I'll try to make sure it never happens again.

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an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members Empty
PostSubject: Re: an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members   an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 4:24 pm

hel man, you aint rubbed me the wrong way, were good
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an apology to ATLTF, and it's staff and members
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