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 1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift

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1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Empty
PostSubject: 1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift   1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2013, 10:56 pm

i have an old craftsman lawnmower that had sat for a while and now has a 14hp brigs OHV with a the stock 5 speed trany and a 1:1 pully swap 20" back tires on extended front spindles all the normal stuff. however im running 30" AT tires off of an old ford ranger in the back. meany people have said this will blow the tranny apart but i have had no problems with it working just fine through ALOT of abuse. the dif is still open because i dont want to push my luck with suh a heavy tire on the old tranny. so i just want to know what you think or if you have any ideias on how to improve. its not prety its not stable its wild and out of control in every way its its the most fun mower ive ever had

hears a better look at it

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1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift   1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2013, 8:52 am

How about a snorkel
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1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift   1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2013, 9:46 am


Looks like it could use a little refinement... still... can't wait to see trail videos.

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PostSubject: Re: 1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift   1:1 pully swap and a BIG lift Icon_minitime

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