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 New old briggs model 5s

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New old briggs model 5s Empty
PostSubject: New old briggs model 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 12:11 am

I just won a very old briggs model 5s on e-bay.
was anyone had or seen one of these?
I know that telling the year on these are not the same as the briggs we are used too
so i found a fourm on old briggs engines that looks like it will help.
And these engines are all cast iron whitch is sweet.
Soon as i get it i'll make a video! afro
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PostSubject: Re: New old briggs model 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 6:52 am

Yeah, Pre-63 or something like that the date codes didnt apply like they do to newer Briggs engines.
Is it a runner?
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PostSubject: Re: New old briggs model 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 9:16 am

Chunk wrote:
Yeah, Pre-63 or something like that the date codes didnt apply like they do to newer Briggs engines.
Is it a runner?

Yeah your rite about the date thing!

The guy says it needs to be gone over before running it cause it's not been ran for a while but he says it's got great compression.
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PostSubject: Re: New old briggs model 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 1:05 pm

Could be hard getting parts for an engine that age, that said, you never know what old stock places will have
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PostSubject: I got my briggs 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2010, 5:54 pm

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PostSubject: Re: New old briggs model 5s   New old briggs model 5s Icon_minitime

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