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 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking

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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2011, 8:52 pm

Well remember why i scraped the Murrat? well it had a unexplained knocking so i shut it down. I discovered the problem . it turned out to be the Link counterweight had broke. I was lucky enough to catch it before it totally damage the block. thank goodness i had another Link counterweight from another motor to put it back in.

Last edited by MSTEELE on October 5th 2011, 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 50
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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 8:00 pm

Fixed it and it is still knocking badly!
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 9:40 pm

Weird... What kind of motor is it? My 12HP briggs I/C has a distinct knock especially at low RPM but runs fine... I wonder what it is. I've also heard a couple other good working Briggs with the same noise.
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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 9:47 pm

Its a 12 horse Briggs i/c a 1985 model. i still yet gotta take it back apart to find out hat that noise is.
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:26 pm

Hmm.. Mine's a 94... I have a 2000 13.5 I/C Gold in my mowing mower that also shares the same noise but at higher RPM. Perfect motor, never been abused... And I worked on an 85 or 86 12HP that was REALLY bad but ran fine. Never opened up either one tho... Let us know what you find out anyways!
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Age : 32
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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:32 pm

startin to sound like its just a briggs thing lol just like chevy trucks with there lifters aha runs mint just a slight tick
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Age : 50
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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 10:45 pm

Ford Boi wrote:
Hmm.. Mine's a 94... I have a 2000 13.5 I/C Gold in my mowing mower that also shares the same noise but at higher RPM. Perfect motor, never been abused... And I worked on an 85 or 86 12HP that was REALLY bad but ran fine. Never opened up either one tho... Let us know what you find out anyways!
I have a vid coming up on youtube ( currently uploading slowly) and you can hear it.
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Age : 50
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Location : Little Rock Arkansas

12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2011, 12:35 pm

Fixed the motor and on the first start k-blammo a huge hole in the back of the block.
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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking   12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking Icon_minitime

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12 hp Briggs i/c a 1985 model is knocking
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