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 Bearings For Peerless MST-205

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PostSubject: Bearings For Peerless MST-205   Bearings For Peerless MST-205 Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2013, 8:20 am

So through my job I was able to find bearings for my peerless .the transaxles come with a cutout wich I assume is for bearings and the measurements I got were 20mmborex40mmODx12mmW. cheers 
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Doc Sprocket
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Bearings For Peerless MST-205   Bearings For Peerless MST-205 Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2013, 8:47 am

A little more detail on this might be a good idea. On the surface, the bearings you need are a reasonable common metric size. On the other hand, you indicate an ID of 20mm which isn't actually correct for a 3/4" shaft size (assuming you are indicating that they are for the axleshafts). 3/4" is 19.05mm. While a 20mm bearing bore will fit on a 19mm shaft, it's technically sloppy.

While we're here, I was recently inside a Peerless 930 and found (unused) cast cavities on each axleshaft where bearings could go, but weren't. I was able to fit some bearings from an 800 for additional axleshaft support. Is this the sort of thing you're referring to?

More detail please. Thank you.
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Age : 29
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PostSubject: Re: Bearings For Peerless MST-205   Bearings For Peerless MST-205 Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2013, 8:58 am

Doc Sprocket wrote:
A little more detail on this might be a good idea. On the surface, the bearings you need are a reasonable common metric size. On the other hand, you indicate an ID of 20mm which isn't actually correct for a 3/4" shaft size (assuming you are indicating that they are for the axleshafts). 3/4" is 19.05mm. While a 20mm bearing bore will fit on a 19mm shaft, it's technically sloppy.

While we're here, I was recently inside a Peerless 930 and found (unused) cast cavities on each axleshaft where bearings could go, but weren't. I was able to fit some bearings from an 800 for additional axleshaft support. Is this the sort of thing you're referring to?

More detail please. Thank you.
This is the bearings im getting . I just want to give it some more support like you said so its not just running only on the rubber seals.
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Age : 29
Join date : 2013-06-19
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Location : Florida

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PostSubject: Re: Bearings For Peerless MST-205   Bearings For Peerless MST-205 Icon_minitimeOctober 4th 2013, 11:26 am

Actually just purchased some from ebay for like 2$ each cheers 
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PostSubject: Re: Bearings For Peerless MST-205   Bearings For Peerless MST-205 Icon_minitime

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