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 What is best way to lift your lawnmower?

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PostSubject: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2010, 8:57 pm

Well I have been lookin for a while on how I could lift my lawnmower off of the ground so I do not need to keep crawling around on the ground. I have been using car ramps and a regular floor jack. I was looking to use a winch but decided on picking up an engine hoist. I got a killer deal from an auction that I saw on ebay that was local. thy are a liquidator so they have no reserve. got a huge lot for 70$ To make a long story they said in the auction that it was a lot of parts. Well I have put 3 full cranes together so far.. I just sold one to a buddy for 100$.. The engine hoist is your best bet...
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2010, 3:28 pm

nice deal! my uncle recently spent a bit on getting a second hand engine hoist sand blasted and repainted.
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2010, 6:54 am

I saw a mower ramp someone built for service their tractor on ebay not long ago. Two manual winches, on the pull the tractor onto the ramps, the other raised the ramps. Lifted a good 3 foot off the ground
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2010, 2:57 pm

When I gotta work underneath I just take out my battery and grab my front bumper and lift it up onto it's back so it rests on the fenders! Sometimes I lift it on jack stands if it needs to be level.
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2010, 3:56 pm

Ido the same as Ford Boi. but i dont have a battery to take out. Im kinda in the process of makin a adapter to put my mower on a car rotisary (cant spell) that we have when we restored my ford car. right now you can spin a 1000 lb boddy around on it with your finger tips so a lawn mower im shure I could do it easy.
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2010, 6:27 am
This is a joke. A cherrypicker or shop crane gets the mower higher off of the ground. It also lifts more than 400 lbs..

I can pick my whole lawnmower off of the ground with the engine hoist. Sitting it straight up and down..
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2010, 4:02 pm

Id like to get an electric winch - i dont feel like hurting my back lifting motors n stuff ( not as young as i used to be).
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PostSubject: Re: What is best way to lift your lawnmower?   What is best way to lift your lawnmower? Icon_minitime

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What is best way to lift your lawnmower?
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