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 Any one got ATV's?

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Join date : 2010-09-19
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Location : Bear,De USA

Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2010, 11:37 am

I might have asked people on here this before but do any of us on here have REGULAR ATV's? Razz

I've always been into ATV's but sold my last one almost 2 years ago.
I've been looking at a few and i'm going to look at one this saturday, it's a 02 honda 300ex.
The guy said it's been sitting awhile and wont start now, i look at this as a plus cause i can get it cheaper! Very Happy
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Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2010, 8:40 pm

i used to have an 86 honda trx200sx, they are great machines because i found them to be pretty tough and im really hard on stuff like that then when they finally did break i could find another bike like it for cheap plus there were lots of three wheelers and a series of enduro dirt bikes with interchangable parts.
but the quad finally broke and i couldnt find a stator used for a decent price (and over 300 new) so i stripped it and scrapped it, the rear axle is a bit wider then a lawn tractor rear end. hint hint lol im going to start building a muddin tractor this spring with a bunch of random parts including the rear end outta the old quad
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Age : 28
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Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2010, 8:44 pm

i have a kawasaki bayou 4 by 4 its okey but i mainly just use it for on the farm but the reason i use lawnowers is cause parts are cheap unlike on a fourwheeler where it will suck your wallet dry
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Join date : 2010-09-19
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Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2010, 8:48 pm

Yeah..., they do cost a lot to fix unlike mowers.
I don't run my bikes to hard, i hate when people take them in water so high to can only see the handle bars, then i come along and buy a POS that has all kinds of problems cause of it being in deep water.
I'm actually fixing one for a friend tomorrow that i believe he ran it in high water but he wont tell me, he just said out of no whare it started running like crap.
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Age : 27
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Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2011, 4:02 pm

if u bought the 300 i bet its the wiring harness
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Age : 110
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Any one got ATV's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2011, 4:40 pm

2002 Artic Cat 375 auto.
Any one got ATV's? N6056410
Any one got ATV's? N6056412
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PostSubject: Re: Any one got ATV's?   Any one got ATV's? Icon_minitime

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