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 new to the community salt lake utah

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Age : 41
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Location : west valley utah

new to the community salt lake utah Empty
PostSubject: new to the community salt lake utah   new to the community salt lake utah Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014, 10:26 am

Hey guys im new to the community here I have 3 tractors I have a craftsman lt1000 next I have a old coast to coast then I have a roper and I have alot of questions lol
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PostSubject: Re: new to the community salt lake utah   new to the community salt lake utah Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014, 10:35 am

Welcome to the forum! Post some build threads about your projects and feel free to ask any questions.

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

My build (Chaos is one of 3 built like this)
Chaos Build

The Mower Cycle Gang visited 1puglife in May 2014
Check out the pics and vids!

Haspin 2021 was a blast!  Check out pics and vids here
Haspin 2021 thread

Join us for the annual Mowron-fest at Haspin Acres!
Haspin Acres Rally 2022!

Check out my YouTube for more tractor action, my vlog, and my bus build!
TheRainbowBoxer on YouTube
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Age : 41
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Location : west valley utah

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PostSubject: Re: new to the community salt lake utah   new to the community salt lake utah Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014, 10:39 am

Thanks I will and to start the roper I have has a 14hp opposed twin I can get it to start then it dies and I cant get it to start again unless I let it sit for a while anyone have any suggestions I went through the carb all ready and I heard they have valve problems but im not sure where to start now lol I also heard they weren't the best motors but im not sure
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PostSubject: Re: new to the community salt lake utah   new to the community salt lake utah Icon_minitime

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new to the community salt lake utah
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