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 Other Pet Peeves

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TroyBilt Pony
Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2014, 8:13 pm

Doug got the ball rolling with the Shop Rules thread, but my list of personal pet peeves continues well past where the tools stop.

Just a WEE bit of my list:

*Women who chew their fingernails, chew food or gum with an open mouth, belch in public,etc. Bad enough when a man does it, absolutely nauseating when women do these things. Barf.

*People using the term "Whether or not", as in, "I don't care whether or not you're trying to make a point, your grammar SUCKS!" Whether IMPLIES not. Anything else is redundant.

*Really... Am I THE last guy on the planet that knows what that magic stick on the left side of the steering column is?

*Those stupid, vinyl stick-people family characters that soccer moms INSIST on applying to the back window of the car.

*Truck Nuts. Trying to compensate, are we?

*Unsubstantiated speed/hp claims. "My 12hp Briggs engine makes 52hp at 12000RPM and my mower does 96MPH! Sure bud. What's that sound I hear? Your alarm clock. Time to wake up!

*Vapor, vaping, vaped... You're pretending to smoke. Either light up a damn cancer stick, or knock it off. You're dry humping... Acting like it's "cool"? Fail. You know how I see you? Kiddie in car seat playing with plastic steering wheel pretending to drive.

*"No Problem" As in, I go to McDonalds, order my crap, get it, and say "Thank You". Idjit behind counter says "No Problem". I KNOW it's no problem. It's your job. You're paid to serve me. But am I welcome??? Get a haircut, droopydrawers!

*People that immediately get hard-of-hearing when they answer a cellphone, like the WORLD needs to hear what they are saying. Dood... I don't care. Shut up and eat your happy meal.

I could go on for PAGES!!! How about some of YOUR personal pet peeves?
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TroyBilt Pony
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2014, 9:22 pm

Vaping is actually good for quiting cigs, my mom quit using one a few years ago.

*When people care way to much about old junk trucks and cars

*When people at fast food restaurants mess up my order because they are too stupid to even work at a fast food restauraunt.

*When people say I'm lying about something because I don't have a video.

*When people drive 10 under the speed limit.

*When Doc Sprocket makes threads about pet peeves Very Happy

*When people doubt the power of the pony.
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 19th 2014, 4:35 pm

TroyBilt Pony wrote:
*When people say I'm lying about something because I don't have a video.
*When Doc Sprocket makes threads about pet peeves Very Happy
Ha Ha I see what your gettin' at.
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 3:55 pm

Like doc said, I hate when people make guesses about speed and RPM, like I just might as well throw my gauges away and stick YOU in the cluster. Sheesh. And when people take things apart such as transaxles and bitch about how they can't get it back together, like don't know how to. What did you expect inside their? Midgets to put it back together for you?
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 4:54 pm

biggest pet peeve, when people ask for advice, and do the opposite. its like why ask? just do what you want to do, and dont bother bugging everyone.
"my tractor/truck/jeep/quad never gets stuck" sure it does, you must just ride the weeniest mud puddles ever. I have tractors that mud with the best of them, but I get stuck, alot. I like to see how tough my ***** is, not sit on the side of the hole and talk about how badass it is.

and My open diff tractor on turf tires is the best mudder ever! Ive had mowers on turfs, they suck, cut out every other lug, still suck, just alot less. Now Im not downing a guy that cant buy/find a good set of tires, I was there a long time, ran cut turf tires for years. but I never said they were awesome, cuz there not
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 6:19 pm

Them kids that have a big ole chew in, they go to spit and its like a fountain coming out.  Rolling Eyes 
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 6:21 pm

TheBeal wrote:
Them kids that have a big ole chew in, they go to spit and its like a fountain coming out.  Rolling Eyes 
Yeah, specially when they spit in your shop or in a water fountain
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 6:28 pm

hahah this would never end. Ill give 5.

1. Chewing with your mouth open. Gum, food, etc. Chew with your mouth open youll be chewing on my damn fist.

2. We all have them times when your so pissed or angry ( and its obious ) and they ask "everything ok?" Well, umm no! I had wood glue sprayed on me in the shop at school last week, and a kid asked it i was ok, ( i knew he was messing with me ) so i took a a peice of wood and smack him over the head with it

3. Judging my spelling. Dont even start, i know what im saying is good enough to read, but sometime it aint Razz

4. People picking on little or defensless kids in school, come on now, we dont need more school incidence and its just to show your an ass. It bothers me cuz were better than being a butthead, just worry bout your ownself

5. Vapies are good lol just saying, ive done cancer stick,but i aint next in the grave
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 7:47 pm

Creepycrawler wrote:
biggest pet peeve, when people ask for advice, and do the opposite. its like why ask? just do what you want to do, and dont bother bugging everyone.

Speak it brotha! Drives me crazy...

Creepycrawler wrote:
"my tractor/truck/jeep/quad never gets stuck" sure it does, you must just ride the weeniest mud puddles ever. I have tractors that mud with the best of them, but I get stuck, alot. I like to see how tough my ***** is, not sit on the side of the hole and talk about how badass it is.

Right again. Goes side by side with, "My s**t never breaks". Obviously, you're just not pushing the limits. I do. I build stuff well. If it breaks, it's because I pushed it. I could break YOURS even if you say you can't.

And to add a related (bs bench bragging peeve)-

"My machine does 65 MPH. I get 79hp out of my 16hp motor, at 8000RPM". Ummmmmm. Bull. Let's see some hard proof of this. Do you have a tachometer? no. Do you have a radar gun or other reliable speed measuring device? No. Have you got a dynamometer slip? Didn't think so. Yeah- your mower feels fast. I bet it's a riot, and you have fun with it. I do too. But don't make me get the shovel for all that bull...
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2014, 8:44 pm

Doc Sprocket wrote:
Creepycrawler wrote:
biggest pet peeve, when people ask for advice, and do the opposite. its like why ask? just do what you want to do, and dont bother bugging everyone.

Speak it brotha! Drives me crazy...

Worst is, ask for advice! I tell them what I think or what to do, then they walk 5 steps and ask another, does the same with him, walks 5 steps to the next guy ask him the same shiz.

THAT drives me crazy!
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PostSubject: Re: Other Pet Peeves   Other Pet Peeves Icon_minitime

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